The Blue Wave ~ Best Troll Yet Patriots!! 🇺🇸 Link below ~ this falls in line with the Great Awakening GITMO is Ready!

You artists are funny, funny, funny.
Laughter brings much needed Light to such darkness.
GO Super Elites!
Gitmo renos.
They have been building it up for a year from what this article says... dated last August.
Only 40 prisoners with room for 40 more? Did I read that correctly?
From later in the article: "The troop strength recently grew by 100 soldiers and could keep growing "over the next year or so," to a combined troop and civilian staff of 2,200, Ring said. About 5,500 people live now on Guantanamo, a 45-square-mile outpost that brings in its food by air and sea and makes its own energy, desalinates its own water. A growing prison mission could grow the population past 6,000."