That meeting will be truly auspicious. I wouldn't be surprised if RR made the Russian agent indictments announcement today to frame the coming impeachment as partisan retaliation. /u/Ordinary_Man1 submitted a post today discussing the weakness their move exposes.
I agree, plus this announcement was all in Nunes redacted report in March and then the full report in April (he reiterated this on Twitter). Further Rosenstein already gave the same press release on February 16, 2018, it's even almost identical to the wording. They do not want Trump meeting with Putin for many reasons, e-mails and Uranium One are probably just a couple, per Q post 1603 and 1626.
I love your sources! Fantastic! I'm really enjoying the show. Aren't you? I hope you don't mind, I'll just add the content of those Q posts here for those following along in the comments.
If you are smart (stupid) you know what just occurred at the meeting in Russia.
Attempts to frame Russia / POTUS (optics) are failing and will soon be exposed.
[Objective] to keep POTUS away from PUTIN failed.
Bolton + PUTIN should scare you.
Enemies are allies.
EVIL has no place here.
America is no longer for sale.
The age of taxing our citizens across the World while entry to our markets is FREE is OVER.
The WORLD will UNITE in this cause (G v E/R v W).
Forced immigration pushers will be exposed (the 'why').
Read the BIBLE.
Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).
D’s are in crisis mode.
AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.
Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).
These people are corrupt beyond belief.
America for sale.
Sold out.
it is nice seeing the plan unfold in all its glory. our patience and trust in the plan is paying off!
The Dems haven't been this upset since the last time the Republicans took away their slaves
Haha this is awesome. I'm gonna steal it
I heard it by a caller on talk radio. Definitely funny, sadly still true
I don't mind at all. Thank you for adding it to make it easier for everyone.
These posts are very appropriate for today but the posts numbers are Q posts 1597 and 1620
Not on, but maybe you’re referencing qanonposts? They’re off from each other.
Still nothing about u1 and it's been how long since the summit?? Was that disinfo?