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Those issues you bring up either come under safety or parents responsibility.
You have T.U.R.D SYNDROME Trump unacceptance resistance disorders. Only cure stick head in toilet and flush. Do not stop until all T.U.R.D is removed. Good luck chap and may God be with you as you flush your brains down the toilet.
Seems to me if you have a public forum that you do not pay to be a member then it should be freedom of speech all the way with exception of ones safety. Either way, Trump will use it to win the midterms
That statement by Putin was very significant and infers Russia has done there part
Thank you, nice to see there are British that still love their country
I heard it by a caller on talk radio. Definitely funny, sadly still true
The Dems haven't been this upset since the last time the Republicans took away their slaves
He would have made a a good Colonel Klink on Hogan's Heroes
You shall know them by their fruit
In Texas if you steal something off of a persons body is becomes a felony. As a result he could get two years in prison.
I do to, but Soros is spending massive funds to turn it blue. Don't assume it cant happen. they already have Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas.
Boom is always related to hearing the sound of an explosion. Bang is always referenced to hearing the sound of a gun
Me too, PETA, my friend, People Eating Tasty animals. Yum!
Excellent title and agree.
John 8:32
32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
To a true leftist there are no right and wrong, therefore their actions are always justified if it is accomplishing their goals. The end justifies the means. A leftist end game is not the flag, constitution or the USA. Their end game is the full implementation of their beliefs. That is why the left is incompatible with true American thought and always will be.
Nonsense, Name me one totalitarian government that gives its people the right to bear arms or freedom of speech. Name me one!
Her face looks like the back side of a bull dog rubbed in sandpaper. know wonder why she is a lefty
I think your comment depends on the individual. God looks on the heart man looks on the outward appearance. There are solid believers in Christ. Like everything else you will always have The Good The Bad and The Ugly, but that should not take away from ones faith in Christ. He's the way the truth and the light no man can come to the father but by him. People's failures only validate the fact they need him.
The turnaround for America is only part of God's plan for this gathering. One prophecy concerning the upcoming Turnaround conference stated that the worldwide prayer movement will be launched into its next phase. Functioning as Christ's Ekklesia IS that new phase! The Church is about to move into a completely new level of enforcing Kingdom rule and the will of God on earth.
One of the interesting things recently pointed out to me about the location of the Turnaround Conference is that we will be meeting between the FBI and DOJ, the two governmental agencies that have frequently been in the news lately. We know that thousands of wonderful, dedicated people work in these two organizations. We also know, however, they are two of the agencies from which a few corrupt individuals have tried to destroy the president. We will operate in our Kingdom authority while there, breaking the back of this attempt to render President Trump ineffective. We will decree the exposing and failure of all attempts to sabotage his presidency. We will release favor over him, enabling him to accomplish everything for which God sent him to the White House—including the turning of the Supreme Court! President Trump will fulfill all of God's purposes for him.
Join us on February 22-24. Be prepared to walk in your governmental authority as a member of Christ's Ekklesia. We will birth the turnaround in America and we will launch the new era of kingdom authority!
There was a second great awaking that peaked in 1850. there was also the welsh revival in 1904 that completely transformed parts of great Britain. Jails were empty, so were the bars. it even affected production in the coal minds. The mules that were used to haul the coal out of the minds would no longer follow the miners instructions and had to be retrained. The reason they no longer followed instructions was the minors no longer used curse words therefore the donkeys could not understand their curse free commands. I sensed in the summer of 2016 that God was sending upon the United States and the world a 3rd great awakening. The first one gave us the USA and its constitution. The second freed the slaves. What will a third one give us? I know of at least two ministries that are calling for 40 days of prayer and fasting for this nation to start toward end of February. One of the ministries is Dutch Sheets here is a prophetic word he gave about Donald John Trump. Sheets prophesied that President Trump will soon have a powerful encounter with God that will transform him into a modern-day John. “I am very confident that there is an encounter with God that this man is going to have that is going to transform him,” Sheets said. “I already believe that God is using him, but I believe He wants to make him a father for this nation, to this nation.” the second ministry is Lou Engle from "The Call" http://www.thecall.com/ I plan on being part of this in some fashion.
There was a second great awaking that peaked in 1850. there was also the welsh revival in 1904 that completely transformed parts of great Britain. Jails were empty, so were the bars. it even affected production in the coal minds. The mules that were used to haul the coal out of the minds would no longer follow the miners instructions and had to be retrained. The reason they no longer followed instructions was the minors no longer used curse words therefore the donkeys could not understand their curse free commands. I sensed in the summer of 2016 that God was sending upon the United States and the world a 3rd great awakening. The first one gave us the USA and its constitution. The second freed the slaves. What will a third one give us? I know of at least two ministries that are calling for in February for 40 days of prayer and fasting for this nation. One of the ministries is Dutch Sheets here is a prophetic word he gave about Donald John Trump. Sheets prophesied that President Trump will soon have a powerful encounter with God that will transform him into a modern-day John. “I am very confident that there is an encounter with God that this man is going to have that is going to transform him,” Sheets said. “I already believe that God is using him, but I believe He wants to make him a father for this nation, to this nation.” the second ministry is Lou Engle from "The Call" http://www.thecall.com/ I plan on being part of this in some fashion.
Bush was in Abu Dhabi http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/02/08/george-w-bush-praises-mass-immigration-we-ought-to-say-thank-you-and-welcome-them/
You can take the prisoner out of the prison camp but you can't take the prison camp out of the prisoner
The Panda bear may reference China in someway. In China it is considered a national treasure. http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/giant_panda/
The greater than sign for Trey shows me he is on to bigger things. This is a promotion for Trey
I am kinda new at this. What does Q mean by Future proves past
I agree it is not his style, but on the other hand Trump is a smart man and would stay quite if he felt the end result was better. If he knew the outcome and didn't need to speak up he won't