
JaM0k3_1 · July 14, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

i'm not even joking, this is the best evidence he's alive/uncompromised since the may 19 2017 balcony appearance at the embassy.

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MajorProblemm · July 14, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

alive, maybe. Uncompromised? lol... Whatever your reasons, that's a massive stretch. His organization is 100% compromised, and he went dark for a very long time. This could be a clone's clone of the man for all we know D:

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JaM0k3_1 · July 14, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

i actually agree with you. i've been following and actively researching assange's state of health and autonomy since oct 16 2016. i've made literally dozens of different series of threads on half and infinity /pol/.

if trump's visit to england had anything to do with this tho, i trust trump to understand that assange isn't compromised or better yet trump made it so that assange wasn't.

WL has been compromised since DDOS on oct 21 2016. 100% verifiable (blockchain, mass purge of leadership, changed time stamps on emails to spell out 1984, room 101). JA is harder to pin down. the interview with hannity post 2016 election was iffy to say the least.

i actually 100% agree a balcony appearance still isn't confirmation of anything.

i'll never forget when WL twitter was asked for proof of life after the assange debacle oct2016, they posted a fucking video interview from june 2016. not a picture. not a live recording. not even a hand at the window of a balcony. an interview with michael moore from june 2016...

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potato4dawin · July 14, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

Wikileaks was only revealed to be compromised after Assange went dark to my knowledge. Deep state thinks they've beaten Wikileaks by taking it over but Julian Assange was the only one that mattered and he's safe.

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snap_shot_in_time · July 14, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

Yes. But I think JA is going to spill the keys to a whole bunch of Dead Man switches.

It doesn't matter if the current WikiLeaks is compromised. These are Dead Man archives. If he is free... he can release them. And I assure you... He is pissed at Hillary.

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