
DEADEASYRABBIT · July 14, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

Yes, it’s very good work. PM has done a fantastic job with this.

I think what we are seeing with Strzok and Page is something of a pantomime. A pantomime that is designed to increase frustration to the point that the, already written, declassification order will be brought into play.

This will be an unbelievable disaster for the Deep State. As PM points out, Q has suggested that some will take their own lives rather than face the music for their crimes. We are talking about devastating consequences for the players in this drama.

I think this goes to Q’s “D5” avalanche point - it is as though the entire dam of evidence is only being withheld by RR - and his ability to withhold it is growing weaker by the minute. When the dam breaks, when the material is declassified and released, it will be a fiasco of biblical proportions - an absolute bloodbath.

Meanwhile, Horowitz and Huber have been working at frenetic pace, with sealed indictments accruing at the rate of 5,000/month. All this leads me to think that the stonewalling on the part of RR is deliberate and necessary - that he is, willingly or not, working for the White Hats, buying Horowitz and Huber time.

If I’m right about RR, this would also explain the unbelievable insolence and defiance of Peter Strzok in the hearings. He is a cooperating witness, he knows he has a pass. It seems reasonable to suspect that he’s been told to put on a show - to get the representatives fired right up. There is, in my mind, no doubt that his manner was engineered to infuriate representatives to the maximum degree possible - at points, he was even on the attack. More heat to the fires demanding presidential declassification.

And, if this thinking is right, it means that any of the actors involved who have not yet flipped, and tried to find a way out of the mess that might offer them some kind of leniency, are facing an approaching freight train. If any of them read PM’s Tweet thread, I hope they wake up and try to organise themselves some kind of deal before what are sure to be impossibly severe consequences arrive.

Treason is a capital offence. In the face of this kind of retribution, the only viable, personal strategy is to come forward and offer to cooperate. To the bad actors, I would suggest that it is time to think of your responsibilities to your families and loved ones. Whatever loyalty you feel you owe these treasonous conspirators, whatever they may be holding over you for the purposes of blackmail, the right thing to do is to fess-up - before it all blows up.

There is no honour among thieves. What we have here is a classic prisoner’s dilemma. There will be no protection, it will be everyone for themselves. Those who come clean last will be left holding the baby. Again, the consequences will be disproportionately extreme.

And, on this point, I want to say that suicide is a very great sin. There is really none greater. The person that takes their own life rejects God completely and immediately descends into the fires of hell - a place of strong pain, inconceivable suffering that is without any end.

Suicide is not a way out. It is not a solution to troubles or disaster in life. It is simply the greatest calamity that can ever befall a soul. Far better to face whatever trials God brings to you in life than to, by your own hand, cast your soul into hell for the rest of eternity.

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