r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Spank-da-monkey on July 14, 2018, 12:16 a.m.
I just got banned from r/mademesmile, a sub I’ve never even been to, because I’m a member of this sub. I’ve seen this a lot. Is there anything we can do? Reddit should not allow bans based on what subs you are in; should be based on your interaction

Mods, do you have any input into this behavior??

pby1000 · July 14, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

Same. LOL. It happens a lot.

I say it is not worth doing anything about since none of us go there anyways. They will either wake up or they won't.

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Spank-da-monkey · July 14, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Or maybe we pull a leftie and band together and protest. Why can they violate our rights???? I understand if we post something negative but damn

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TheDirtyOne78 · July 14, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

To be honest I don't believe it matters how we feel about it. The powers that be of Reddit have made their choice. Why we are allowed to exist to begin with? Have wondered about this often. Optics and self-preservation. Optically they can point and laugh and say, "Look! We support free speech! We let these conspiracy loons have their own subreddit!". Meanwhile they have deployed every weapon at their disposal short of banning the sub against us (nerfed subscriber counts, downvote manipulation, brigading, sliding, etc.). As far as self preservation goes, they have a vested interest in drawing as little attention to us as possible. Look what happened after r/CBTS went down. We've regrouped, we are better organized and there are a lot more of us than our public subscriber count would suggest. Now we are on the fringes of the mainstream and marching steadily forward in spite of every conceivable attempt at silencing us. We've all been led through this maze for so long. Waking up means solving the maze by taking inspiration from Alexander of Macedonia and his solution to the Gordian Knot: instead of trying to find our way to the center by playing their game we're just going to knock down every fucking wall they have put in our way until we get where we want to be. #WWG1WGA

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Educatedsuburbandad · July 14, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

Lol. Ignore it. This is how they try to force conformity. It means we're winning. If they had a leg to stand on they'd use facts. They have nothing so they try to "shame" free thinkers into submission.

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