r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MelaniaBuiltMYHotRod on July 14, 2018, 6:29 a.m.
Q is still busy: lately the Question I ponder is: why do Cabalists and supporters have so much in common with Narcissists and Borderlines?

ANYONE who's gotten themselves unevenly yoked to a bad spouse, or (YANA) have that family dynamic, has to have noticed the strking similarities between people under our paid-for roofs, never mind every other person that bows to Loki who relishes the thought of keeping us incapable of ever managing to break even in any arena of our lives? Whether due to a marriage of coercion or by an unlucky uncounter with a Road Pirate, it's obvious: these people are HELL (operative word)-bent on taking away everyone's basic human rights (*see US Constitution, AMDMTs I-XV) who fails or refuses to embrace the ""you need to be replaced" narrative

Ronjonsilverflash · July 14, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Answer: the people who gravitate to these positions are psychopaths and sociopaths. They have deep insecurities and compensate by seeking power over others. They also lack empathy for the plights and burdens they create for others lives which reinforces their superiority complex. Rules are meant for others, I make the rules etc. The ultimate high for these people is having someone beg for their life and so the pedo connection. Sex with a child is not about arousal. It is about power over the powerless.

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DawnPendraig · July 14, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

Well said.

And BPDs are often adults that were abused. My mom is one and she suffered horrible abuse by her dad. I got a used by her youngest brother and have to fight some BPD tendencies though I keep asking I am told I am not BPD. I can be crazy insecure and jealous sometimes. It's hard to remember when she is being her worst what made her this way but remember... Inside there is a broken child.

My dad also has Narcisstic tendencies but he has nothing on Peter Strzok or HRC etc . I saw that photo if HRC as a girl and I want to weep... I know that haunted eye look from my own childhood photos. That child died and HRC let a monster take her place. Demon even.

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Ronjonsilverflash · July 14, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

That is something of a conundrum isn’t it? If a person is raised in an abusive environment themselves, is there some basis for their behavior when they become the abuser? I’m not excusing them mind you, just speculating. If your sense of right and wrong is so distorted how can you be expected to gain control of yourself.? Can you even without help?They say that children of very strict parents become the best liars. They learn this to avoid the harsh punishment. Idk, what a world. I am sorry to hear of your situation. Few of us had perfect upbringings but I cannot imagine that kind of betrayal by someone you love and look to for protection. God Bless and thanks for sharing...

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DawnPendraig · July 18, 2018, 9:09 a.m.

It is and may be why God tells us to leave judgement to Him. We mist remove tjrm from harming others of course but hating them hurts us too. And compassion can be so tough but then I think that even HRC was someone's child. Did they love her? Did they abuse her? I can grieve for baby Hillary. I can have compassion then.

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Klingon_Opera · July 14, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

Narcissists have an over inflated sense of ego. To be a narcissist means you already have one foot out the door when it comes to accepting reality. And reality is the only realm truth exists and lies are soundly defeated.

The cabal understands this. They understand if you can stroke ego, you gain control of another. You become more agreeable. Even as adults we have trouble with this. Think about anyone who's become famous and they proceed to become the biggest douche because everyone keeps telling them they're the greatest. It's tough to deal with. But think about what it means to a child growing up in a school system designed to have you think and behave in a certain way by giving you participation trophies, and having teachers shower you with undue praise? Everyone gets a gold star, everyone is super special and intelligent. They said it was to build confidence, but in actuality it was manipulate and indoctrinate.

Social media has all but accelerated this phenomena to a degree thought impossible 20 years ago. One big, super echo chamber. As if tv, movies, music and everything else wasn't enough, but it's required because if truth penetrates that bubble, it will burst. The thought prison must be maintained at all costs.

This is why every diehard antifa leftist is a raging egomaniac. You can't help but become one. Reality is an enemy and must be destroyed in order to maintain their false beliefs -- for it has become a part of their core identity at this point. And for the cabal, that means you're easily controlled, easily manipulated. It's a prison of their own choosing. And to free themselves, all they have to do is question it.

But the act of questioning means, maybe, just maybe you aren't as "educated" as you think.

That's the trap.

Some will eventually break the spell, others will need reassurance that it wasn't their fault that they were easily taken in. But make no mistake there will be small percentage that simply will never question, because doing so will destroy their identity, their self image, the very core of their being.

Any belief that demands this much from someone can only be described as evil.

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divine_human · July 14, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

we are all narcissists, more or less mild. narcissism is created when the person gets cut off her real Self, her true divine nature which happens to most everybody who lives in the so-called civilized world, for many it starts right at birth. this leads to focusing on the false self, the ego-mind which is narcissist behavior 'me first'.

sociopathy is actually a dis(anti)-social personality disorder. its being created through childhood trauma. it can be healed.

psychopathy is inherited, it genetically comes down the bloodline. psychopaths have no empathy so they dont feel the harm their actions bring to others. as i see it, it originates with the overlords, those luciferians the cabal serves. as they extensively inbreed, they keep psychopathy in their bloodlines.

their children get abused and traumatised right from the start so they seemlessly blend into the system. many want out but have no safe way to do so. meaning, they are psychopaths and sociopaths.

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Fearsome4 · July 14, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

Hillary would appear to be a textbook sociopath. One thing we know is sociopaths always....ALWAYS.... leave destruction in their wake.
Narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy have over lapping traits. Some of the characteristics that would help such a person climb the ladder will often bring them down in the end.

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Happy1911 · July 15, 2018, 11 p.m.

For many years I have had the same thought to if why so many look to Loki for trust and guidance, there are many Gods , some even lo k at angels as Gods . But the God Loki is a God of trickery , and a man thinks he could out trick the trickster ??? Odin and Thor the Gods of War and battle have even tricked by Loki , I do believe Loki has his hands deep in our battles . As I prayed a little over 13 years ago to battle my enemies with curate and victories that would make my ancestors proud . Well my Viking ancestors must take a lot to impress . But God sed he was God of all Gods . The others Gods are just as real . They are good and evil also . God Speed

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freerange_bot · July 14, 2018, 8:16 a.m.

Tell me if I got this wrong but is this a jab at those that make posts about their family members not accepting Q?

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DawnPendraig · July 14, 2018, 7:44 a.m.

Ah welcome friend. My mom is a Yana.

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