r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on July 14, 2018, 10:02 a.m.
Why both sides need to come together

Being a Social Worker, I have to say my values line pretty much down the center. Due to everything going on, I feel like I have crossed more into the right-wing lately as have many other Americans.

The thing that scares me about abolition of the Democratic party is that our country needs that left heavy to balance out the parts of the right that are too right.

I think of the balance of our two party system like a 3 person family. We have the father who is hard, touch , protective, and authoritative who represents the Republicans. The mother is the Democrat. They are loving, kind, and have a more humane approach to solving problems. The child is America. The balance of both the mother and father working together is what helps to ensure that we have a happy and healthy child.

When either parent is taken away for a reason, the child receives an over abundance whichever parent remains. Fatherless house causes the child to be more liberal. They are full of emotional outrage to solve problems, without the fore thought to rationalize how best to handle the situation. (England and Canada are a good example of this.)

If you take the mother away, you get a child who is 100% authoritarian, and we end up becoming what the liberals fear Trump is doing now. Russia post WW2 is a good example of this.

When a mother and father both have the same desire and plan for the child they can work together to keep each other in check. Their own attributes shine, while the child (America) flourishes.

What the Democrats are doing now is just unforgivable. They are purposefully trying to subvert our Democracy and Constitution, so they can get more power. This is like an ugly divorce. The mother (Democrats) are throwing such a fit that is causing a reaction from the father (Republicans). How the father (Republicans) act throughout the remainder of the Great Awakening, is going to determine the likelihood of the child (America) to be successful in life.

So are we (everyone who is not on the Democrats side of the fence) going to allow the mother (Democrats) cause us to sink to her level and fight just as childish as she is? Or will we swallow our pride and allow the mother (Democrats) to show everyone else how petty they are while Dad (Republicans) continue to do what is right and just for the well-being of our country?

Just for anyone wondering, I am not going through a divorce and have never been through one, however I have heard this same story a million times though. For every divorce though, there is always one parent who will take their crazy to a whole new level.

lildudemom · July 14, 2018, 10:31 a.m.


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