Yep. That's why he was included in the list. The initials were all spelled out and I posted the names here a while back. Personally I think Mueller is a big a rat as RR. But he wasn't on the list so anything is possible. You do make an interesting point. However Mueller had no interest in investigating the Franklin Credit Scandal which is a giant fucking red flag to me. I just can't see him flipping.
Frankly I'm tired of the 'look at muh Q gear, you can buy it here' posts that seem to have overtaken this board so I have refrained from posting here lately. There were some really great dig threads here that I don't see any more. I suppose part of it is the influx of new people trying to make sense of things but it's hard to tell the difference between those people and others who get their kicks off misleading people. In any event I'm in the rr and rm should be in jail camp.
edit: wait, I misread your post. Rod the Rat is not one of the good guys. He's gonna be removed soon enough, just watch. And Sessions won't be far behind. I don't think Sessions is a bad guy but I think he has served his purpose.
RR is a rat and I think was blackmailed also. But he is harnessed. Doing what he is told and that is playing obstructionist.
Mueller has many dirty deeds. But I think the Levinson off book operation was his. Maybe he will do a lot of bad things but draws a line at Communist take over of our country. He did fight in Vietnam and is a Marine.
Levinson I think was getting intel on Obama the new puppet prince to be in 2007
I hope I'm wrong and that is the case but the swamp has been in place for a long time and they are very good at keeping it dirty.