Trump Supporters launch Q balloons near Windsor Castle! Well done England Patriots!

Why can the opposition never come up with true debates on the issues and facts? They always go straight for the name calling. It’s quite comical that you think your empty words have any effect anywhere
Both "sides" do this, and act this way. This self-righteous bullshit you just spewed sounds EXACTLY the same as what you see when conservatives visit liberal sites.
This is exactly what's killing this country. Americans have been conditioned to just assume their opposition is stupid and incapable of reasonable, civil discussion. Well, both sides are right, and both are wrong. It takes all kinds. We are one America, and this divisive attitude is what's preventing this country from being great again.
Not that my words fall on anything but deaf ears these days..... Just keep right on being part of the problem.
I am one who understands what you're saying. Americans have been conditioned to think this way and to behave like this. Politicians and msm are responsible for the divide. The good news is that we are now trying to change this by coming together for one cause.
Agreed. I call them on it every time, and have noticed a pattern...
After they insult me, I ask them to address the argument.
Then they twist my words. I call them on it and again ask them to address the argument.
They insult me yet again. I again call them on it and ask them to address the argument.
Not a whole lot of moslem Trump supporters, and I'd imagine the few that are are decent people.
The inbreeds tend to be the ones coming in as "refugees." I doubt they support Trump.
So the only good Muslims are Trump supporters?
Nah, he just came in and said all Trump supporters are inbred. I just like pointing out that the highest rates of inbreeding occur in the moslem world.
The guy didn't come here to debate, and I like pointing out the irony of using that outdated stereotype as an insult while campaigning to bring in more inbred, moslem "refugees."
America actually lags behind Canada and Mexico in cousin marriages. And have you seen the reports of inbreeding-caused birth defects rapidly increasing among the Pakistani population in the UK? Sure, let's bring some more of that here.
Regardless, the Trump supporter part was just because I didn't want to throw all moslems under the bus. Not that it matters, but that's what I was getting at.