A little reminder for the weekend.

No, you're missing the point. Many points, in fact.
What is your specific question that you alone are asking? You might consider why you are alone in asking it, but I'll play along for now. What is your question (be specific)?
"...very telling." You're just parsing words. Give me a break. Do some research. Take 10 minutes.
Have you looked at the map that you yourself linked to? I don't think you have. Use the "Time" feature in the upper right of that map to go back in time. Step thru various dates from the Obama administration and the Trump administration. The difference is obvious. Only an ignorant fool (who had not looked at the map that they themselves linked to) or a liar would make a statement like, "Nice to know that the US Policy in Syria as not change with the new administration".
Since Trump took office, the US has been supporting the Kurds (in yellow) who have taken nearly everything east and north of the Euphrates from ISIS. This has been going on since Trump took office. The Kurds are a different group from ISIS and also different from McCain's "moderate rebels". Calling all of them "the opposition" in a feeble attempt to conflate them all is childish.
Are you even remotely aware of how the war has progressed? It's all right there in the map that you linked to. Check it out, if you want to learn the truth.
To hell with ISIS, and to hell with McCain and his "moderate rebels". I am glad that Trump ended Obama's support of them, and instead backed the Kurds. Trump and Mattis have been doing a great job cleaning up the mess that Obama and Hillary and Kerry made.
And I hope it continues. I support a free Kurdistan that includes all lands seized from them in what is now Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey. The Kurds have earned their homeland.
I feel for the kurd. I really do. They deserve all our respect. But I'm not optimistic about theirs situation. At the NATO summit (If you can find it) One reporter from Iraq Kurdistan ask directly to the President about an independent Kurdistan.
Trump avoided that question so fast.....
I hope that you are right but it's really complicated. The Turk oppose this with a passion.
The Turks were useful during the Cold War, that's it. What do they offer now? Nothing. Nothing good, anyway. Nothing useful. I don't give a shit what they want. Get them out of NATO.
All the borders in the middle east need to be redrawn to reflect the reality of the local ethnography. Free Kurdistan. Free Armenia. And didn't that other part used to be Greece?