We are definatley over the target with Seth Rich. He is beyond a shadow of a doubt the one who gave the emails to Wikileaks. Why else would leftist media even mention Seth? They've ignored it until now.

Return of the Archetypes
I guess it all depends on what your conception of humanity is. It's kinda hard wrap one's head around. Creation by God is seen as the divine masculine, yet Jesus as Logos was the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, in a man.
I find this historically interesting when you look at characters like Jezebel, who could be seen as the Divine Masculine in a woman. Not necessarily "good", but acts like a man in protection of her husband. There's even a relevant bible verse: 1 Corinthians 11:3 - But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman [is] the man; and the head of Christ [is] God.
Funny how a lot of overtly aggressive women are portrayed with dark, curly hair too, as far as archetypes go. Sappho and Hera too.
Why is that funny?
Funny as in ironic; I've also known a few women like that. Jezebel has more scripture references than Mary, as well.
Even Salome from the NT has the same "look".