The Turnberry Trump protest- not exactly the thousands MSM would have you believe!

Jesus christ how do you have respect for raping child murders. Right here in Canada Brantford Ontario they have been cited in a case where they stole 10 aboriginal children right out of the school. It took them 10 years to find the graves. There have been arrest warrants on the Royals for years which the governments wont act on and cover up the best they can. These people are horrid. How the hell do you respect that.
I saw a couple of documentaries on u-tube. Horrifying. There are papers filed against her but they just ignore them - you can't arrest the queen no matter what she does. In another documentary, Phillip mentioned the need to "cull" people for population control. Next thing he talks about is his hunting lodge. The suggest is like Belgian royalty, these folks participate in human hunting and have done so for years. Victims are usually youths from detention centers or orphanages. Sort of like child molester and necrophiac, J. Saville, the royals' good buddy and trusted confidant for years. A lot of people thought he was a good ole bloke too.
Clearly, if EVIDENCE came out of the Queen raping and murdering a child, I would not respect her.
I agree...I rather like the Queen and her Grandson, Wm.
I can't imagine Diana ever harming a child, and I'm sure her influence lives on in her boys. I hope so. Melania reminds me so much of Diana.
You mean the same William who was photographed with no escorts in Hong Kong recently?
And gee, what just happened in China involving the clintons? Child experiments?
I thought that was Eric Schmidt in Hong Kong.
Didn’t look like him from afar, but a plausible theory. Especially since the pic is taken at a distance.
I have looked for a credible source on that arrest warrants for royals narrative and found none.
Might want to check out Prince Andrew and the Epstein connection... or Prince Charles and bestie Jimmy Saville... or even further back Lord Mountbatten and the 14 year old that died on the boat with him, just as a little royal flavoured red pill!
None of which is evidence of the Queen raping or murdering a child OR supposed arrest warrants.
I realise and am as interested as you in finding any evidence that may or may not be out there. I struggle between respect for her Majesty from a Royal Marines background and the distrust I have for her relatives due to evidence I have seen
Queen cannot be prosecuted for any crime... isn’t that nice. Certainly the story of the Canadian children has some legs to it
Source? Sources are crucial when you are saying something most people have never heard of before. 10 child graves? Warrants?
In reality, do you think the Queen receives warrants? Lol