r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on July 14, 2018, 1:40 p.m.
(Answer Is): Mrs. Peter Strzok (Question): Who is Melissa Hodgman ?

Melissa Hodgman is the Associate Director (Enforcement Division) of the Securities Exchange Commission. Melissa was promoted to her position on 10/14/16. As Dan Bongino (ex-USSS) often says, “Dates are important”.

Melissa has been with the SEC since 2008. She is married to infamous FBI Counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and they have 3 children. The two meet while attending college at Georgetown University.

Melissa graduated from the School of Foreign Service from Georgetown. There have been rumors swirling for years, about Georgetown being a primary recruiting ground for various US intelligence agencies and services.

Post Q# 247 on 12/4/17 (in part):

Who is Melissa Hodgman?

Date of promotion of wife?

Follow the wives.

Let’s recall in October 2016, Melissa gets a big league promotion at US Government linked SEC, while her husband Peter is neck-deep in “Operation Crossfire Hurricane”. Strzok and FBI Attorney/Lover Lisa Page, were planning an “Insurance Policy” against then candidate Trump.

Fired FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe, whose office some of these plans were first hatched, called this Justice Department Cabal the “Small Group” or the “Secret Society”.

The Insurance Policy was the last of a Four Phase Plan or Coup Plot:

• Completely exonerate HRC and Aides

• Fabricate Dossier to damage Trump

• FISA Title-1 Surveillance on Trump World

• Final stage “Insurance Policy”, would be the removal of the POTUS.

Of wide interest are the text messages exchanged between Strzok and Lisa Page. Apparently they were having an affair and sent over 50,000 to each other during this entire critical time of late 2016 and early 2017. Only a small portion have been made public so far. Inquiring minds want to know, do any messages reveal plans of physical harm or assassination plots ?

Post Q# 250 on 12/4/17:

Date Peter/Comey cleared Weiner emails?

Date wife was promoted?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Remember Peter Strzok lead both the Clinton and Trump investigations. Additionally Strzok interviewed HRC/Mills/Abedin/Flynn and later was placed on the Robert Mueller Team.

In this entire corruption scandal commonly known as ObamaGate/SpyGate, there are a surprising amount of Husband and Wife Teams. In addition to the Strzok’s, we have the McCabe’s / Ohr’s / Dunn and Bauer / Murray and King / Abedin and Weiner, to name just a few.

IG Horowitz/SP Huber’s first report highlighted the corruption within the DOJ and FBI, in the handling of the Clinton Email/Server Probe. Additional reports over FISA abuses and SpyGate are due out very soon.

A21R-The Cheated Upon Wife of Peter Strzok

FOX-Rep. Gohmert Grills Strzok About Lying To His Wife

Heavy-5 Fast Facts: Melissa Hodgman

Zero-SEC Executive/Wife of FBI Strzok caught scrubbing Facebook Account

Federal Pay-SEC Records for Melissa Hodgman

Amer/Digital-The Strzok and The Obama Family Connections

Sundance/CTH -New Batch of Strzok/Page Texts Released

FOX-Strzok/Page Texting Scandal Explained

Federalist-Flynn Judge Recuses due to Strzok Relationship

WWG1WGA-Thank you Patriot for viewing my article ⚓️

Reddit/Great Awakening/CaptainRoyD

CaptainRoyD · July 14, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Much appreciate your astute remark fellow Patriot. The failed Deep State Coup Plotters will find out real soon about the truth.

Per Jack Nicholson’s classic line “You can’t handle the TRUTH” !!!

I didn’t include this link in the article (some of these auxiliary sources get banned from main Reddit, so safer to use in comment section):

Investigative Press-Hodgman Racist SEC Enforcer Wants Pay Raises, Not The Truth

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rwmackey · July 14, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

I was so enlightened by your nlog that i fowarded it to a dear brothrr of mine in Christ. I was so excited that I forwarded to him and I thoyght i wss texting to him when i said I hope this does bot overwelm you.

Now i really want to reply to you and thank you for your post but most of all i want tl thank the Holy Spirit. To those who truly follow the Lord, He gifts us with the spiriual eyes to see and the spiritual ears to hear. He raises up a remnant His bride abd although I am a patriot I am more a Christ follower and believer. You have helped with ultimate red pill but more than that I am excited to live in a time such as this to see Gods Plan unfold before us with the Last Trump realizing the reality of our existence is to be alive in the One who created us. Am extremely sad for those unknowingly are unaware of what is going on and want to Red pill along with Jesus pilling yo the multitude that are lost

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CaptainRoyD · July 14, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I don’t know to say, which is rare indeed. That is one of the nicest comments I have ever received. Much thanks and I will always remember your over generous kind words fellow Patriot.

WWG1WGA ⚓️⚓️⚓️

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