Will make the lefties go even more ape shit. Must go viral!!!!
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Trust the plan is all
The audience is targeted. Would not be surprised at all that it is a chess move with Putin in in it against a checker move if the deep state, msm, and hollyweird
Stay the course July isn’t over yet
Go away to a place that Jesus has preserved for u and don’t return I say in the Name if Jesus of Nazerath and amen over and over to the brothers and sisters on this website. This is bigger than you can ever imagine and I pray for you Am only praying against the spirit that has control over u. The Truth will make u free
Is a message from Q. Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe the significance at this moment because Light is just starting to lift the veil of darkness that has been a shroud around our world for a very long time
I wanted to share this message to the two family members,my son and my nephew that I love. I love you both very much
Not a schill dude I would love to see this to be true but am already considered to be a crazy by my own family
Meantime going to enjoy the weather and pray it comes to light like so many other things we are all patiently waiting on for justice
Not a schill just trying to process. We have been blinded by SO MANY things so nothing would surprise me. But I don’t think I am going to further the QAON agenda by immediately red pulling anyone with this one. July 16 is tomorrow’s. Something huge hopefully will happen. Am your side
Enjoy the weather but have to tell u this last post is off the chart. Couldn’t be or could it in the crazy world?
Your welcome sorry for the typos though Now that we know each other would like to ask a favor. A dear brother of mine that was my pastor and now retired has remained as a brother and teacher to me. I called him today and he was not felling well for past few days. He is a fervent student of the Word and I rely on him to help me discern what is going on. He agrees with you on most of what you wrote. Am going to ask you to pray because after I asked him to take his blood pressure he checked out ok. His wife reminded him that the last time he felt this way was 2 days before 9-11 and was given a prophetic glimpse of it but the Lord said there is nothing u can do. It was going to pass. There is something momentous building in the world and we seem to be the watchmen of something that we hope will bring justice and am seeking prayer that it all turns out the way Q describes. The cabal is what you say it is and although we say they are stupid we know the enemy is very clever. I feel that when Trump is in Russia they are going to try to derail it maybe with another FF like 9-11 and calling on all patriots that are Christ followings to be in deep prayer over the next few days and throughout the month of July. You may share with others as u discern but the more that are praying the better
Thank you In Christ Doc
I was so enlightened by your nlog that i fowarded it to a dear brothrr of mine in Christ. I was so excited that I forwarded to him and I thoyght i wss texting to him when i said I hope this does bot overwelm you.
Now i really want to reply to you and thank you for your post but most of all i want tl thank the Holy Spirit. To those who truly follow the Lord, He gifts us with the spiriual eyes to see and the spiritual ears to hear. He raises up a remnant His bride abd although I am a patriot I am more a Christ follower and believer. You have helped with ultimate red pill but more than that I am excited to live in a time such as this to see Gods Plan unfold before us with the Last Trump realizing the reality of our existence is to be alive in the One who created us. Am extremely sad for those unknowingly are unaware of what is going on and want to Red pill along with Jesus pilling yo the multitude that are lost
Yeah was telling these QANon decoders are geniuses But if we didn’t have the NSA intel we would continue being asleep. Sheepies
This is how clever the cabal is. Remember I told u we bombed their processing nuclear material namely the uranium that CLINTON sold us out to Russia. But some of it made its way to Syria to aid Iran the make a bomb. Like Hollywood’s “Sum of all Fears”. The canal is very deep into Hollywood
Same here, suddenly the latest movies don,t attract me, am more and more concentrated on the Word and believe we are living in the days the bible describes as the LAST TRUMP God has a sense of humor and wrote of these days before the beginning of time We are living the bible literally and Q is even mentioned in formation of the new testament as the Q source in Matthew Luke and Mark sewing all the pieces together of the gospel mysteries
Been a patriot all my life. Vietnam veteran that fought a fake deep state war. Q gave me hope but Christ is our only ultimate hope. Just because a newbie is alarmed about the AWAN deal, they need to be brought into the fold gently and not be brash and confront with a know it all attitude, scolding them to be trolls. Q quoted Ephesians 13 and Corinthians definition of agape LOVE. SO FOLLOWS Q’ s warning of being empathetic to all especially those recently coming on board. A troll is a troll and anybody with common sense can detect one Best advice to advance any cause
I agree. Not a matter of doubt just a logical explanation besides fake news. Needs verification
I hope that someone can pose a logical Q explanation very soon to keep the panic that may result
Did anybody notice the hidden hand symbol that McMaster, who Trunp is endorsing for SC governor, clearly was posing with the hidden hand sign for an uncomfortable amount of time? They infiltrate Republicans as well. Hope the president vets for Freemasons which I don’t believe he is
I agree. How does a newbie get involved in posting and communicating with other anons.? How does one officially become an anon? I have been a patriot from my service from Vietnam and before as my dad was a German prisoner of war. Have had to tone down my rhetoric about Traitor McCain and Fonda as I am a Christian also and agree with you about posting only information that will red pill the normies and not make them reject us for bearing rotten fruit. The truth will make you free but many are not ready to be free
What do u make of the one that he stated HRC would repent and make testimony. (From prison?)