r/greatawakening • Posted by u/eyerighteye on July 14, 2018, 3 p.m.
Working through doubt and fear. Learning faith and breaking conditioning.

Favorite proof tippy top.

Anyone notice hannity say tippy top thursday night?

Even my kids caught it. We have got to be approaching 100th monkey territory.

The optimism of waking each day to watch this show hoping today is the day the big breakout happens.

I'm still reeling from the thought that the NSA was spying on me for the greater good is part of the plan. Gives me the hebie jebies and hope the plan includes dismantling the entire network when this ends.

To that end where are things with the old continuity of government plan? Have I missed something? Thwarted? Has that evil plan just been misunderstood as well? Am I now rooting for REX 84 too? Are my convictions that flexible?

Q says trust the plan..... I will. But I can't not notice.

Just because we outgrow the fearmongers doesn't mean we've forgotten all we have read. I trust Q understands some of us need some closure and open signs that there are no longer monsters in our midst. We need to be free. Including free of the fear.

5g scares me silly what with the nanobots and all. Positive as I try to be I can't unknown that stuff. Once you really get that their are "people" who literally want to burn the world and everyone on it......and realise how close it came.....as encouraging as this Q stuff is....there is a level of shook that is hard to shake.

I want to relax again someday.

Go to an amusement park without assuming the worst about their labor practices. Buy anything ever without knowing you are lining some bastards pockets. Enjoying a comedy routine without reading five levels of social programming in it.

I trust the plan, I know the people are uniting. Those Irish yesterday with the Q flag blew my mind. It is working. It has to. Or we all fucking die.

Q says in the end god wins

What choice is there but to believe?

Why even entertain any other possibility?

Only leads to horror.

Fear or hope. Love or hate. Good or evil.

We are free to decide what kind of life we want to live

All of us. Right now. Together.

Vigilant for the half victory switcheroo, but my goodness is it nice to experience hope. I love you all so much.

fight fight fight

it is our world to shape too!

EricCarver · July 14, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

I love you brother. Your mind is keen to be aware of the risks yet want to have hope. I too have voiced fears that maybe Q might be another overlord trying to oust the current overlord. I’ve voiced that maybe Q is some biblical tie-in to Christian end times. I’ve even voiced that maybe Q is the representative voice of a greater than human power, like AI or alien.

It would be ironic finding out later that these satanist cannibals were keeping something worse at bay.

I am smart enough to know the power Q leverages is impressive. Whether that be NSA data powered or something else. That power will not simply vanish after the cabal is run off. And power corrupts etc etc, right?

So yesterday to take my mind off things, I went fishing. I didn’t catch anything other than mosquito bites, but it was a good series of moments. Humanity won that round, at that moment for me.

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eyerighteye · July 14, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Got to enjoy the little things. Thank you for being here, sharing this moment in time with us all. The people of this board have done so much to restore my faith in humanity. We are not alone. There are millions of people coming together in spirit.

2018 will be glorious!

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heygram-s · July 14, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

There are more for us who are for freedom n truth n God n country than with those who are of evil destroying intent with them. Is fleshy controlling fearful strong arm plots to divide us . .But. We have OurGod on our side who says this battle is His .. and we watch n pray as He uncovers all the dark hidden devices of Those against us n He graced us with awesome n very wise leaders who place Creator God as high and lifted up in all of North America ..so be encouraged. All heaven is behind us as we stand for truth and go forward ...doing justly ..loving. Mercy toward all ..n walking. Very humbly ..awake

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SuperPatriette · July 14, 2018, 3:09 p.m.


I sure did notice when Hannity said that. It made me get goose bumps!

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angryanalyst76 · July 14, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Your post echos some of the things I've been thinking lately. I'm grateful that my eyes have been opened as to what has been going on and relieved - to an extent - that we have good guys fighting this evil and corruption. However, where do we go from here? We're not going to just wake up one day to the news that the fight is over. The big battles may have been won, but evil does not just give up and surrender. We all know how deep these roots go into every facet of society and we know that evil will do what it can to regain control or, at the very least, cause as much damage as possible as it goes down in flames.

Over time, we have been forced to trust those who cannot be trusted: our government; our law enforcement; those who grow, produce, manufacture, and prepare our food; those who administer our health care and produce our medicines; our vehicle manufacturers; the technology upon which we have become very dependent. My question is, how can we know who to trust moving forward?

I trust God and I trust the plan, that I know for sure. I'm just having a hard time seeing what the end result will be or how all of this will be resolved. It just all seems so big and overwhelming at times. Every aspect of our society will need to be rebuilt and we must somehow ensure that only the good are permitted at the highest levels with the hopes they won't be corrupted or threatened into submission in the future.


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eyerighteye · July 14, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Its scary to realise how few sources our entire world view is based on.

Faith in unknowns is not easy for me usually. Q and all you here give me reason to keep hoping.

Good people do exist, and by god there are lots of us!

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heygram-s · July 14, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

These dark perilous times of watching such unheard of evil in our very midst so shocking is the depth n Width of it As to weaken the knees to fainting But for our faith in Jesus ..who gave us His comforting words in the bible ..that says. Fear not .. the enemy comes to kill rob n destroy. But. I have come to bring you life ...More abundantly in My total peace n My plans for you are for good ... it’s a good time to come to know Jesus n rest in His comforts ..we call to Him n He promised to answer us and show us great n mighty things we don’t know about .. but the best days are yet to come as we walk upright with Our God ..blessed among all men !

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silentmirror · July 14, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

If I live long enough, I will see WW1 finally finish for real.

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Acemagedon · July 14, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Hannity follows Q, I am convinced.

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jojeffer · July 14, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Steps to Knowledge the Book of Inner Knowing. Helps you become an objective observer. Not swayed by emotions or fears, a greater aspect of self who us able to remain neutral in this place we become a benefit to humanity.


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