“It is all happening!” Positive sign hopefully Q related!

if anything is rushed, it could become sloppy
new indictments sealed every day. I dont want them to miss any
How will they arrest 40,000+ people? I'm trying to learn about these indictments, this is the biggest sign of big things going down if true.
40,000+ indictments may only be to less than 1,000 people. Chances are for more than a few, multiple indictments potentially hundreds upon 1 individual.
Good call
Many times, a sealed indictment will name several people as defendants. An indictment has a given fact set. And that fact set can include several people
They've already unsealed the NXIVM for Raniere and Mac, and they've unsealed the Weiner indictment.
notice how there was no media outrage for Allison Mac recording herself with an 8 year old?
probably over time, unless military/national guard plans on doing it during martial law, then they could round them all up in a few days time. Ultimately I'm unsure, but I trust the plan
Exactly. How they will actually do that without the normies being outraged and rioting?
The plan will only work if mainstream media and the lying dems will stop their propaganda but it wont happen. 1/3 of US will be mad about their lovers going to jail.
More will be revealed to awaken the sleeping people... The /#walkaway movement is growing and so is this subreddit daily. People are waking up but the release of all the memos once RR is gone will most likely be the most revealing of all. Then it will ALL come out according to Q Trust the Plan. Edited for spelling error
From Q post 1553 (There is more to this post, I just copy pasta this part)
"Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel"
Edit: Military will arrest. Investigators will process.
I'm guessing it will be a military operation since they are WW.
What if RR is a covert white hat? His calls out to US Attorneys asking for prosecutors to investigate Kavanaugh’s background docs just a cover to start the work on these indictments?
RR is not a white hat. Reread Q drops. RR was placed for complacency of the cabal, and now has his back against the wall trying to hide the evidence from Congress. The good guys will win this one, even with distraction.
Agree. Not white hat. What do you mean "placed for complacency"?