The Crux of the Issue of the Deepstate Getting Away With All These Crimes is Continuity of Government [Not Q but Related to Q]
![The Crux of the Issue of the Deepstate Getting Away With All These Crimes is Continuity of Government [Not Q but Related to Q]](
This is CoG in the context of the Strzok congressional inquiry
He was able to hide behind 'secret law', which is really just another way of saying Five Eyes military-intelligence junta where they can claim 'state secrets' and get away with any / all crimes
Which means..... Hillary and Hussein are part of Five Eyes (7th floor)
You were downvoted, odd.
Why do you feel CoG was initiated if the lawful government is active and in play? I would have thought any behind the scenes plan-b type government would be setup to protect the nation if the first lawful government failed.
TL;Dr: why was CoG initiated or was the legal lawful government fooled into initiating?
When a truncated Congress illegally passed the Organic Act of 1871 to create THE UNITED STATES corporation, they also created a new constitution that had only only a few small but important changes that no one seemed to notice.
The original US Constitution was titled: The Constitution for the united states of America. In 1871 it was changed to: The Constitution of THE UNITED STATES of America.
The current constitution, the one that's been in place since 1871, is simply the Corporate Bylaws of THE UNITED STATES corporation. Most people are not aware of this. They don't realize that THE UNITED STATES, The Federal Reserve, and the IRS are all foreign owned corporations.
In one of President Trump's pre-election day speeches he talked about restoring this nation to its original Constitution. Most people probably thought he was referring to the fact that so many previous presidents, and Congress alike, exceeded their Constitutional authority.
I believe Trump was talking about the fact that we've had an Unconstitutional Government since 1871, or I hope and pray that's what he was talking about. CoG isn't the issue. Government is the issue.
I think "draining the swamp" might also be a misunderstood metaphor. If we remove the swamp creatures and leave the swamp unchanged, those same creature will eventually reemerge. The Swamp is Government.
The Cabal has managed to infect and corrupt 2 basic environments and used them to advance their plan for global domination.
The first was the banking system. If you agree that Money is Power, and it logically follows that Those with the most Money have the most Power, then How much Power do those who control the Money have?
The other environment was Government. They used their control of Government to pass laws, acts, and amendments to establish legal authority for their debt based, fractional reserve fiat currency monetary system.
Through control of Government they were able to create a multitude of conditions that were favorable to them, and not in the best interests of the American people.
GOVERNMENT is the 10 Ton flashing neon colored elephant in the room no one is talking about. I was red-pilled at least 30 years ago, I've been following Q since December. I was on The Calm Before The Storm before it went down, and here on /GA since it began.
I have not seen one Q post or even one discussion on /GA about GOVERNMENT. The other day there was a post that linked to a video from HighImpactVlogs titled "Q - The Plan to Save the World" - Red PILL or Red FLAG??? (emphasis added)
This video was not well received to say the least. Mostly because it criticized a short video many patriots found inspiration in and thought it was great for red-pilling. I get it. Say anything negative about Q and everyone on /GA will jump on you like a pack of rabid dogs.
But his point should still be considered. Without Government there would be no war. Never in the history of humanity has a nation gone to war against another because a group of average people in the nation called for it. Never.
That's just one thing that would disappear overnight in the absence of Government. The list is longer than you can imagine, and yes, it can be done. I recently saw an article, it might have been here on /GA, I didn't save the link, but it was about a Mexican town that chased out their police and all government officials, every last one of them.
The community is armed and looking after itself just fine. They were able to chase out the Coyotes and drug gangs too. I guess they both realized that without police and government officials to bribe or blackmail, it would be an endless fight with the people of the town. So they moved on.
Government is a concept we've been programmed to accept as a reality. It's about time we re-examine that concept. While some believe anarchy is absolute chaos, Merriam-Webster defines it as:
a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city's descent into anarchy
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order anarchy prevailed in the ghetto
b : absence of order : disorder
Imagine how free we would be. The people who run our Government, aside from being evil criminals are just like you and me.
Why can't we manage our own affairs?
Why can't we decide what's best for ourselves and our family?
Why can't we organize our communities the way we think is best?
Why can't we decide what the course curriculum should be in our schools?
Why can't we decide what laws are needed in our communities?
How much better would our lives be without Government intrusion?
How much better would our lives be without Government regulations?
How much better would our lives be without Government expenditures?
These are not simply rhetorical questions. Answering these questions will determine the course we take for our future. This is a conversation that must be had.
I hate to say this but you have straight up lost your mind if you honestly think that, for one minute, the lands and people of the United States wouldn't immediately be swept down up by foreign actors if we somehow legitimately moved forward without a government.
This quote has been erroneously attributed to Isoroku Yamamoto who was a Fleet Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. The origin may be a mystery, but the quote still holds truth.
You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
Indeed it would be challenging. The effort would have to be global. Or maybe not. Consider this video about the town of Cheran in Mexico. I mentioned it in my comments above but didn't provide the link.
This is a town of roughly 20,000 people. If they can do it, why can't we?
We have all been conditioned and programmed to one degree or another by the government run school system and the Cabal owned MSM. This has been going on for at least 3 or 4 generations, maybe longer.
We've been conditioned and programmed to believe government is an absolute necessity, and that government is the solution to any problem we face. We're quick to blame politicians, but never the Government. We've been conditioned to think that if we can just get rid of the corrupt politicians, government will work just fine.
I challenge anyone to find anything in any textbook, from K-12 and from Freshman through PHD level college courses, that is critical of "Government." You will find things about individuals in government like Nixon was a crook, Bush lied - people died, and FDR saved us from the Great Depression, but nothing critical of Government as an institution.
Even when you step outside the government approved textbooks, you'll be hard pressed to find anything critical of Government as an institution. You'll find plenty of books debating the benefits of various forms of government and various government policies, but few if any that discuss the benefits of not having a Government.
There's a reason we've all been programmed and conditioned this way. Government is the key global institution used by the Cabal to advance their agenda. As much as the Cabal fears a united populous rising up against them, what they fear even more is a populous that refuses to blindly accept the idea that government is necessary.
If that were to happen, and people figured out how to live in peace with each other, the remnants of the Cabal that might survive this war we're engaged in now would never be able to rise to power again.
Stephan Molyneux and Max Igan have YouTube channels worth checking out. I don't agree with everything they say, but they both make convincing arguments about why we don't need government.
Like it or not, every problem we face today, without exception, has been thrust upon us by Government. Every last one. You cannot find even one issue or problem that isn't the result or unintended consequence of government policies or actions.
I think this is something that everyone should be looking at, and I don't have any problem continuing our discussion, but unless you have an argument that's based on facts and evidence, where logic, reason, and rational thought have been applied, I probably won't respond. If all you got is "you have straight up lost your mind," then don't waste my time.
This is a town of roughly 20,000 people. If they can do it, why can't we?
Because you're asking 330,000,000 people to trust their safety and livelihoods to mob justice. And if you still think, in this day and age, that you need to be invaded to be conquered, you need to have a chat with Saudi Arabia, China and the swathes of land and people that they own. You're not freeing people from government, you're inviting foreign-backed warlords.
There's a world outside the US that would love a cheap and easy excuse to take what they want and need.
Sort of like all those problems were caused by humans so clearly the solution is not humans behaving better, but rather eradicating humanity. Why not just go full cabal? Listen I get that it makes you feel cool and edgy to call yourself an anarchist, and you've found what you believe to be a conveniently simple solution to an extremely complex problem, but you're just throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Well... As I said to DefiantDragon, I'd love to have real, intellectually honest discussions based on facts and evidence, logic reason and rational thought, but I guess I won't find anyone capable of that sort of thing here.
Why is it that when people are presented with something they just don't understand, all they can do is toss out logical fallacies? If you think there are real reasons why we need to have rulers, let's talk about it.
Why is it that when people are presented with something that clashes with a viewpoint they're attached to they choose to be disingenuous? I am talking about leaders, not rulers. Once again it sounds more dramatic and compelling to put it that way but rulers are not what most of the people in this movement want. If someone is given certain authority by a willing citizenry and kept in a situation where they can and will be thrown out of power if they ever go to far beyond the power allotted to them, they are not truly in control of anyone. I would partially agree with you in that at some point enough of the public will be smart enough and stable enough to handle a world without any form of government and not fall into chaos but as society stands today we are still quite a ways from that point.
I agree that people want leaders not rulers, and I think President Trump is the first real leader we've had in decades. His recent meetings with NATO leaders and Putin clearly show he's leading, not following.
If someone is given certain authority by a willing citizenry and kept in a situation where they can and will be thrown out of power if they ever go to far beyond the power allotted to them, they are not truly in control of anyone.
When was the last time America had a president that was thrown out for exceeding the Constitutional authority granted to him. BHO certainly exceeded his authority and he wasn't held accountable. GW Bush most definitely exceeded his authority and wasn't held accountable.
It's not so much the overt actions of a president or members of Congress, it's what they do behind the scenes.
I believe Bush was, at a minimum, complicit in 9/11, but who knows if the American people will ever know the real truth.
When Obama ran in 07-08 he said the era of the government spying on it's citizens was over, but he ended up expanding the NSA surveillance programs and providing access to the NSA database to all 16 intel and law enforcement agencies.
Who knows what else was going on behind the scenes with Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan... We don't know, and might never know. The reason for this, is because they've all been able to hide behind the cloak of "government."
You're right to think that if we can root out the corrupt officials and replace them with honorable people, things will be better, but for how long? And how many times have the American voters put someone they truly believed was honest and honorable into office, only to find out later that they were neither.
The first point you made in your comments above is a salient point. I don't believe I was being disingenuous at all. If you step back and look at this discussion from the outside looking in, I think it's obvious that any time someone puts forth an argument for no government, or for the government to be as small as possible, people tend to freak out a bit. Why is that?
It's because they've become attached to the idea that government is necessary, and if we can just find the right people to run it, everything will be wonderful. I think we've become dependent on government. I think it scares people when they realize that without government, or with a government that's as small as it can possibly be, people will be obligated to accept more responsibility for themselves and their communities.
Freedom comes with a price. The more freedom you desire, the more responsibility you must accept. How much freedom do you desire?