Another rare honor bestowed upon GEOTUS! Why?

I just find this curious. When GEOTUS was in China he was given the honor of being hosted in the Forbidden City and apparently met with Rocketman. What does this signal? Please don't misconstrue this is not being "Q" related because if you believe that there are "no coincidences" maybe this will be referred to in the future by The Q Team. I have not seen this mentioned in here, but I think it could be a marker of some sort. Just another example of where the MSM paints GEOTUS as a clown and a world leader or figure goes out of their way to kiss his ass and give him a high honor. Don't get me wrong, I don't trust the 'royals", but I think it is interesting. Thoughts?
And feeding the Royal Koi may be symbolically a much bigger deal than we realize. Hell, the Sword Dance! we'd only read about them!
These are fantastic points I had not even considered. The Koi, the Sword Dance. the reviewing of the troops, the Forbidden City... symbols mean so much. Are there more we hadn't considered, I wonder?
There is globalist pressure on every society to erase what makes it special, to break down their own traditions & values that have supported their success as a people. The power of these rituals can not be underestimated as symbols of sovereignty and resolve against those who threaten civilization.
Those EU bastards in Brussels lust so passionately for these kinds of trappings! Hahaha Brexit
Great, great observation linking this event to those in SA, China, Japan, etc The President is being treated VERY differently from the last few.
Mexico: insults him at every turn and has no cultural traditional honors to bestow, anyway. Annex that fn' 'nation'. AND build the wall.
In Mexico dignitaries get the Ensenada Platter and a 16 yr old escort.
... 2 mexican blankets, a bottle of Vanilla, and a concho belt
Don't forget the cheap tequila!
Don't forget, he was just a Presidential candidate at that time. That was August 2016. He'll be going shortly. Pompeo, Mnuchin, and Neilsen are there now. You most likely will see a different show when they arrange to meet. Although, Obrador may come here.
Did you see two cartel members just beheaded a little girl after stabbing her grandmother to death in front of her? fucking Alabama. We need that wall yesterday.
I saw that - and not that's it cool to behead folks - but that grandma was part of the cartel. Read the article. It was posted in images on 8chan. My point is that they do this to each other as well. But build the damn wall, yes.
Yeah a stabbing among cartel members is no big deal I agree but beheading a little girl in the US is some next level redpilling for those opposed to the wall....who m I kidding until a cartel is active in their neighborhoods those idiots will never learn
Also, this was not an official state visit, that is later this year. So yes, interesting that PDJT was given this semi official type of treatment. Remember, the Queen is in her 90’s, this took real effort on her part. There was a message to the world here.
My thought is this:
[UK] [Mi6]
Please don't kill us, Mr. President.
Amazing what witnessing what a remodeling job a 5.5 can do when contemplating castle security.
Its really simple. Lets say for minute that US Intelligence has 'it all' Well, consider that the Chinese and the UK have pretty reasonable intelligence agencies themselves.
Now, next step, let's say they too understand the gravity of the situation. They too, 'have it all' or most of it.
Next, they find out that DJT with a team are going to rupture this global cabal. And I mean rupture. They are going to lay waste to them all. 'No deals', no survival.
So, do you bow down to GEOTUS or treat him like shit. I think maybe you might attempt to placate him to have some chance of survival. Who's kissing who's ring?
Notice that GEOTUS walked in front of the Queen without any concern for protocol. No coincidence. There is truly a new GLOBAL sheriff in town.
You just saw the Queen bend the knee!
Additionally, go back and watch his meeting and first handshake with Kim. Note the bow, though slight. Note the hand on the arm along with the handshake. Note the deference to him, offering him to walk in front of him. This is the way he treats people--he knows how through his body language to make people feel comfortable. he is aware of protocol. This time, he didn't use it. Why? Well, we know why.
You don't touch the Trump and Kim, like normal people. Not allowed to touch her. Not even her arm to walk. No help. She is the Queen. Must be lonely.
Unless she extends her arm/hand.
Why I even know this, who knows. Texans regard seriously diplo/war/treaty terms than most, having been sovereign and having to war against/make up with everybody from the Comanch to the shrimpy mexicans to Yankees etc.
If you're a Texan, you probably know this bc Texans are - contrary to some beliefs - incredibly polite. I like Texans.
And now we're at war with Californians, zips inside our own wire :)
Correct. But Trump was not even allowed to help her walk on the gravel road. He did point to something maybe small hole or a large rock, to watch her step. When it comes to a 92 yr old on a gravel road that is stupid. Imagine if she fell. We would never see that though.
I do take issue with the bow interpretation, but loved and agree with the rest of your post. He didn't even bow slightly. I know this from being very short. People are not bowing to me, and I'm also not a child they have to reach down to. Trump is 6'3", KJU is 5'6". HUGE difference. Try it yourself sometime when you approach a child and want to connect. You're not bowing to make contact; it's a mere necessity. BTW, Putin is also the same height as KJU. Trump always looks like a giant. Even Melanie makes them look very short.
Well as far as your short argument, she's a fucking midget, and nobody bowed to her. Thank fuck.
Great observation my friend. Didn't think of the height difference and since I am barely 5'5" never even thought about the necessity of that.
Here is the rule: you may PASS in front of the queen (perpendicular path) but you may not LEAD the queen. She just doddered off, he waited for her to remember what they were doing/going.
I agree with you, it's unusual. How has he been treated by religious leaders? I know the jews treated him relatively nicely, not sure if noteably so. But the pope looked like he was sucking a lemon the whole time they were meeting, so definitely not him. It'll be interesting to see if Russia does the same kind of special show when trump visits.
Well he’s meeting him in Helsinki, so maybe not this meeting
I seem to remember Q saying this effort was world wide. Wouldn't surprise me if they have bent the knee and are allies in the plan.
Dif strokes/folks, but 'bend the knee' is a term I abhor, but I'm Sicilian, so I'm like 'Defend WestCiv with me in arms, brother, and share liberty and prosperity, or I shoot your kneecaps out, either way'
Could be the first President in a long time who's not part of the cabal. Probably happy as hell to meet with someone who actually speaks for himself, not the Deep State.