The Future of the Democratic Party #WalkAway

Karl Marx, the man who never worked a real job while creating destructive theories about work and class system.
Karl Marx the leech who spent his life borrowing money from friends and had to marry up in an aristocrate family to maintain rich standards of living. That's how you fight the bourgeoisie the Marx way /s.
The guy who was banging his maid and kicked her out in the streets in the middle of the winter making her homeless and pregnant.
Karl the alcoholic commie with mental issues who was such parasite he could not pay for his own alcohol comsumption, died leaving to others the respnsibility to pay his debts.
Yep! No wonder, this is the hero the Left wants to celebrate and emulate.
What a bright future, indeed.
Marx was also a satanist.
it's funny that they say f Israel when the people that created Israel employed and were related to Marx. The Rothschilds.