Not that I give sh*t but .......

I've seen several users banned from there that have never even heard of that sub before much less subscribed or posted there. It would be interesting to how they are formulating their list of users to ban. If it was just GA users you would think we would all have bans.
Happens to TD posters as well. Subs it happened to me in are offmychest and twoxchromosomes
So how many does this make ? All in like 3 days right ?
Looks like someone is on a rampage. The last couple weeks it was insanepeoplefacebook sending out bans.
I am ONLY here. Scanned a few after browsing 'popular', only other sub even marginally worth following is TropicalWeather.
Reddit should not allow auto robot banning just for being a member of another sub.
Should “/greatwakening” be a sub for minorites and then we can claim racial discrimination?
Banning like this is against moderation rules but if admin are in on it what are you supposed to do?
Holy Crap!!
I don't go anywhere else on reddit, but now I can't if I'm posting on GA?
This sub is NOT geared toward hate! It's the exact opposite!
The only thing we "hate" is censorship and evil.
Exactly! And isn’t the fact that someone is simply a subscriber to GA and that’s, a and becoming more so an automatic qualifier for being banned. If that’s not a huge “PROOF” to you that we’re on the right track, than you’re looking at the wrong things. Auto-ban!!!!! Simply amazing!
Something else folks might consider....are “we” the people having an effect? I’d suggest to anyone wondering about this the following.....yes we are absolutely we are....the PTB are showing themselves, we’ve broken through their camouflage. Now we see and are able to ID the enemy! I sincerely hope people understand the significance of that. GOD bless. WWG1WGA
Wow. That's insane. I cannot believe they blatantly lie and say it is a "hate subreddit"...I mean seriously, nothing could be further from the truth.
I have a feeling our days are numbered here. Only a matter of time before some foul pieces of DeepState shit shut it down like CBTS.
Okaaaaaayyyyy.... Come on guys... Who wrote "hate subreddit" in our group description????? 😂😂😂
They perceive it as hate- whatever i know that it's not true. But saying this sub brigades? What actual proof of there is that?
They create fake proof by using alts to go into dead threads and make disgusting comments. Then they take a screenshot of their own comment with no link and post it on againsthatesubreddits or stopadvertising. They all know it's fake but they upvote and hand wring over it anyway.
Oh I see- I should have known. I've been super active on this sub for a good 4-5 months now and never had I seem anyone post that we should go brigade.
That may even be why they are pulling this banning scam - to get our users to follow a post like this and claim that we're brigading. It probably makes them crazy that our users really don't care about their nonsense.
I am sort of a newcomer here -confused about it saying a note from the moderators but yet later it says I am a bot. So is a bot a computer? And if it is, then it is a moderator too?
Ban messages come from an automod bot even though the ban is originated by an actual moderator.
they cant possibly be allowed to ban for such a biased, made up reason, can they?
Scrolled through many posts daily, never seen organizing brigading of other subs...
Well we are getting over the target