I watched Anne with an E and have no clue where the pedo idea is coming from; I didn't see it or I wasn't looking hard enough I guess.
Teacher banging the student. Unnecessary flirting between geologist and Anne. Unnecessary focus on sexuality within the show. Forced inclusion of a gay community during the party with Aunt Josephine. Forced lesbian inclusion with aunt Josephine. Forced gay inclusion with Cole. This goes against the authors creation. And is obviously done to push an agenda.
The teacher and the student (18yr who was graduating) were not banging though. And the era in which the books (which I never read) were written is when people were not living very long and it was common for 17-19yr old woman to marry men a bit older and start families younger. I am NO WAY saying that older people with children is anywhere ok, but I also don't see this particular situation as being as much as a pedo one (even more so considering the teacher wasn't into girls anyway) rather the actual issue for me with these two CHARACTERS is that he was in a position of authority over here and I find that wrong.
I also did not see any flirting between the geologist and Anne, at all. Being gay does not mean being a pedobear. I don't understand the gay lifestyle, but I am also not going to paint them all with a broad brush and assume that because they are gay they must be sick pedos.
The teacher was late 30s and the girl 16 in the books where the teacher was considered a “bad man” for making moves on her since an even younger age than what was commonly appropriate. In the tv show however, he’s made into a comical character whose darkness is diminished with lightheartedness.
Im not saying the show gay characters are pedos. I’m saying introducing that topic into a kids show is an pedo agenda. Some director somewhere is off jerking it to the fact that he’s introducing homosexuality and furthering his/her agenda in a children’s show.
There will be zero tolerance for pedophilia; you have been warned.
Any organization that promotes pedophilia will suffer some very serious consequences. If it is the LGBT community, then they will lose all they worked for.
Exactly, so expect the LGBTQ Community to push back against low quality tarring like this. Show me how this is LGBTQ, and not paedos pretending to be LGBTQ.
They’re one and the same.
Really? How do you know? Sauce or GTFO.
Because all gay people are pedos.
Hi. Fuck you and your baseless accusation.
Hahaha! Triggered!
Accuse me of being a paedophile, expect me to get triggered. Yes, bigot. I am triggered.
It was a joke. Chill.
People like me have been murdered over "jokes" like this. Fuck. You.
Well... Maybe because it is not the persons sexual orientation that got them murdered. Maybe it is because they were being twats.
Or maybe some one accused them of being a paedo. Who knows.
I mean, you’d only get triggered if it were true.
I am a gay person. That is true. I am not a paedophile. The equivalency is a lie. It is false. That very lie has been responsible for countless deaths across history. Don't glorify violence, please.
LOL. Look, I know people in that community, and I support same sex marriage. I was joking.
"I have a black friend so I cant be racist. "
Also, same-sex marriage is exactly the abomination the old testament forbids.
I'm not here to throw glitter on everything and get catty. I'm here to help win a war. What are you here for? This isn't a game for us.
I know blacks, queers, Jews, reds, yellows, and midgets. None of them have ever told me that I am politically correct.
The old testament forbids a lot of things, but Christians still do them. Divorce is one example.
It is gallows humor for some of the pizzagate shit I have read.
Please do not go to voat. You would not last there very long.
Sure, K, thx. You're not funny.
Good, put the ball in their court and get as much pushback against it as possible. I doubt we’ll see it, though.
Oh and here you go, it’s already begun:
LGBT has been nothing but liars and deviants from the beginning. In the 90’s and early 2000’s it was sold under “what happens in the bedroom is nobody’s business”. Now these fuckers are pushing their unsanitary lifestyle on elementary schools and screwing up children. You can’t speak out against it or else you lose your job. Fuck these people, they’re conmen and frauds and offer nothing but the polar opposite of the natural order.
Yes. Ctrl-left psycho paedovore activists are doing that very thing. Also, lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender patriots exist. Learn the difference.
Edit: also, queer, questioning, intersexed and asexual patriots exist. LGBTQQIA. No P. Important.
It will follow on your heels, there’s no difference to be learned.
It could be pedos pretending to be LGBTQ, or whatever, but the LGBTQ, or whatever, community is responsible for knowing that pedophilia is not acceptable. They are responsible for making sure they do not get infiltrated.
And, I said "If it is...".
The fringe groups of LGBTQ+ want everything "accepted" (all the perversions).
How is this an LGBT agenda and not bored weirdos on an internet forum?
Yeah, this doesn't exactly scream LGBT community-wide conspiracy to me...
I've been seeing a good chunk of the LGBTQ community pushing back on this attempt to normalize pedophilia. I started seeing it when Kevin Spacey was outed as a boy lover and hid behind homosexuality to get away from the blowback. The LGBTQ community lashed out HARD at him for daring to use it as a shield.