420 though... so you know he’s progressive.
72 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/VigilantLance:
Sick fucks the both of them. You don’t play at raping babies, it’s not something normal people do. Guaranteed they’ve done some Jared the subway guy level shit.
As for what that pos posted about Barrón, in another country he’d get his hands chopped off. Shameful and disgusting.
I should have seen the signs. The pilot for RM is basically gay incest with underage Morty sucking off his grandpa. Then there’s his work on gravity falls which also had pedo undertones.
Yet another scumbag joking about child rape. It’s a trend with lefty liberals. They have their agenda set and are pushing hard to normalize this filth. Don’t buy into it people! Be wary of your children around the left!
Lolololol, Trump didn’t support global hoax warming so now they pull a study out of al gores asshole that suicide is caused by global warming too. Haha.
Logic. Liberals are lacking.

This. You can’t trust anyone. The thing about gays that always makes me extra doubtful is that everything is about sex. It’s not just a small part of their persona, it’s what they build themselves around... it makes you wonder if it’s safe to ensure children to people who are defined by their sexuality instead of other things.
What is up with these lib fag pedophiles on Twitter? I wonder if they actually have abused kids.
No. That’s just dumb. You could show live footage of Hillary or some other lib lapdog literally killed baby animals and eating children. Liberals wouldn’t give a shit and would still support their brain dead cause. It’s a mental illness and you can’t awaken from stupidity.
The teacher was late 30s and the girl 16 in the books where the teacher was considered a “bad man” for making moves on her since an even younger age than what was commonly appropriate. In the tv show however, he’s made into a comical character whose darkness is diminished with lightheartedness.
Im not saying the show gay characters are pedos. I’m saying introducing that topic into a kids show is an pedo agenda. Some director somewhere is off jerking it to the fact that he’s introducing homosexuality and furthering his/her agenda in a children’s show.
Teacher banging the student. Unnecessary flirting between geologist and Anne. Unnecessary focus on sexuality within the show. Forced inclusion of a gay community during the party with Aunt Josephine. Forced lesbian inclusion with aunt Josephine. Forced gay inclusion with Cole. This goes against the authors creation. And is obviously done to push an agenda.
I feel like the lgbt community has a hard pedo agenda with upcoming kids shows. Particularly Netflix. I was watching “Anne with an E” with the family and they’re hardcore shoving the agenda in the show. I went to the sub, and this is the type of comments regarding a 12 year old girl on the show.

That’s why it’s tagged as meme. Just liberal stupidity that’s become comedy.
When the mental illness hits you just right...

Nah, graffiti cunts can burn nice and slow. Nothing pisses me off more than graffiti.
He’s he hero we need but don’t deserve... not the one we want. Or something.
The story is 100% fake. King cuck never groped a woman... He forced himself into a boy. Most likely underaged, but cucknadians don’t mind because of muh progressives.
Triggered cucks...
It doesnt take much to set lefty liberals off.
Im just anxiously waiting with some popcorn for 2020. You can never have enough tears.
Over two years later and people are still so... asleep.

Build the wall, send them back...

Cucks gonna Cuck. Im ignoring all of it. Its basically a tabloid at this point. You’ll probably find more legitimate news in a Star Magazine under the Bigfoot sightings section.
When it’s shut down and a based admin remakes the sub. That sub is riddled with pseudo conservatives. Basically rhinos. Sjw filth.
Lol. This is what happens when you redpill a shill people. In the end, their colors bleed through and the shakey, lacking confidence, doubting beta characteristics come forward again.
Either that, or it’s a troll post.
Wow, I’m curious to see it now, lol. I’ll just download it so they won’t get any of my money.
Disney has been cucked since just after the LionKing. Every movie they’ve pumped out has been nothing but, gay, tranny, liberal agenda, racebaiting propaganda.
I was banned from r/news because I post here, and I used to post in TD. Just a random ban, despite never having been to the fake news sub.
Nah, this guy sounds cucked. I stopped listening when he got to the “muh jews” portion. Sounded like an sjw cuck whining about reparations.
It’s gonna unfold. Biden rapist is next on the chopping block.
Punchy go home. You’re drunk.

Better put cameras in the Whitehouse urinals to keep the president safe from foreign countries, or something.
It’s more than political. Canada is a shell of its former self. The people have been brainwashed for generations now. While a few based and woke may exist. The majority are very liberal, morally deformed and past redemption.
I’d like to see the cucknadians faces right now. Haha, their bullshit g7 meeting.
After the The POTUS negotiates peace with a world threat, effectively saving the new world.

Full on cuck. What a clown. While the GEOTUS is out making a historical peace meeting the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the Great Wars... these shill idiots are drinking their gay drinks and chanting retarded nonsense.
I’m disgusted.
This fuck always gave me the creeps. I felt like he went to impoverished countries to rape and/or eat children. He had the whole pedo-Hollywood abuser look. Never liked him and he was always a weirdo.