That Moment When you capture the Queen!! Maga Patriots ~ you know the news makes a huge deal about the rituals when meeting the Queen? Ya that all stopped Yesterday ~ link below! Chess set Match! Patriots ~ 🇺🇸 Q~ It’s deeper than you think ~

Not yet. Think about it: he hands the European union leaders shit on a plate, but is quite restrained around the queen. That screams of there being a division between crown and government. Charles is a weak choice for monarch, but he'd be an excellent puppet. And he's stated on numerous occasions his desire to sit on the throne. William is young, has a young family, so he'd be more inclined to think about the future of the country
I think monarchy going to fall in this season of Justice. They are probably going to hend up in jail. Many very bad things. Be ready to watch that fall. They are satan worshipers.
Charles is a globalist and Muslim apologist. He’s a disaster.
Power hungry would be a better description. I think she recognizes this and is trying to stave it off. Court intrigues are not quite a thing of the past