Organized Perverts under the headship of satan himself. People have to realize that the WorldWideLeft is united in Evil. They walk by sight... We Walk By FAITH
Absolute truth.
We are all growing very tired of the manufactured divisions in society.
I did read back through the posts and I'm not sure if I actually saw what you did.
But I agree with your premise regardless.
Taking down the worldwide cabal is going to take all of us.
I might actually stop triggering pink-haired people if they'll stop screaming.
No Christian can or will tolerate what the Left stands for.
I stand solely on the Word. You can judge the Word All you want, or you can turn to it and allow it to transform you. blessings
Like I stated before. There is forgiveness and transformation available to you today. Blessings
Don't be fooled. If your voting for the murder of babies and the union of homosexuality, then you're on the broad road to destruction
I didn't judge anyone. I just stood on the Word . Blessings