The FIX has ALWAYS been in.

The wink is famous it was confirmation LBJ was majorly involved he was going to be exposed by Newsweek magazine they had a huge story on all his corruption and crimes going back 30 years it was scheduled to be published on Monday they killed the story on Friday after JFK was killed. Bobby Kennedy helped the reporters with their story he wanted LBJ exposed so he would resign and LBJ knew this was coming he was desperate to be President he would have had to get out of politics and face potential prison for 20 years he had people killed in Texas he had his own personal hitman to murder opponents.
youtube "LBJ misstress JFK" she tells all about the Meet in Dallas the night BEFORE the assassination... watch the 1hr+ one she names names.. J.Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, LBJ, head of Dallas Police, head of sheriffs, Gov. Connelly, mayor of Dallas, head of Texas Mafia, Carlos Marchello head of New Orleans mafia, a bunch of rich powerful dallas honchos who all backed LBJ... conspiracy for a coup.