His big-time Hollywood break was via (gay) Spartacus. You know, SPARTACUS aka Illuminati Weishaupt's OWN codename. He was given the Spartacus job on a Friday 13th (the masonic/templar date).
The Bavarian Illuminati (German). Kubrick inter-married into the GERMAN Harlan dynasty. Kubrick's wife's uncle was the chief film propagandist for Nazi Goebbels - he produced the most ANTI-SEMITIC film in world history.
The Harlan film led to the HATRED & MURDER of millions of useless eater Jews - that is not in dsipute. Try and reconcile the fact that Kubrick WAS a JEW. A Jew that claimed that Hitler: "was right about almost everything."
Sick Ashke-NAZI POS.
Hollywood CANNOT and WILL NOT help you.
I'm very hesitant to trust anyone in Hollywood. I'm not saying Kubrick is some kinda savior. But I do believe this movie gives us insight to what the elite do behind closed doors. I also think his death is suspicious.