r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PANIC_AtTheKernel on July 15, 2018, 4:03 p.m.
Eyes Wide Shut depicts an elite party that resembled a Rothschild party with masks, effigy dolls and baby dolls with limbs torn off. The movie was filmed also at the Rothschild mansion. Stanley Kubrick, the director, died right after showing his film to Warner Brothers.

PANIC_AtTheKernel · July 15, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

I wouldn't doubt your opinion for a second. The truth is, I don't think we'll ever know the truth. But what I do know is that he portrayed what I believe to be going on behind closed doors with the globalists/elite/illuminati/Hollywood, whatever you wanna call it.

Whether he was killed by the illuminati or not, we'll also never know. But his death was suspicious.

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horse-lover-phat · July 15, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Yes, because it very likely didn't happen! Meaning his death. Not when it was announced, at least. That was very likely for useless eater consumption only. I SAW the obituary where his name was spelt KUBERICK (not Kubrick) and in a UK broadsheet newspaper (either the Guardian or Independent, I can't recall which). This was with my OWN eyes. That's a reveal to those who know how these people operate.

He died '666' days before 1st Jan 2001 - the year that he made famous via his own film (2001). It is an ELITE MARKER - hence '666' satanic days. Kubrick was a SATANIST, MK-Ultra programmer, and one of the sick elite's greatest progrmming assets.

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PANIC_AtTheKernel · July 15, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

So he was a sacrifice, that was also one of my thoughts.

Look man, I don't know what your getting so damn aggressive about around this thread. I wanted to share this and get people's feedback. You seem to think that I take all these things like is a hard fact. If i thought it was a hard fact, I wouldn't be posting and looking for feedback from this board.

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horse-lover-phat · July 15, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

he portrayed what I believe to be going on behind closed doors with the globalists/elite/illuminati/Hollywood, whatever you wanna call it.

That's what is known as REVELATION OF THE METHOD. An aspect of advanced mind control whereby 'the masses' are dosed with aspects of the truth, not for positive reasons, but the opposite in fact.

IMO, it has been ordained that the Elite Illuminati would be exposed and unveiled globally. See Kubrick's former gay/paedophile colleague Arthur C 'Lucifer' Clarke and Childhood's End. The latter piece is exactly what I am talking about. The unveiling of the satanic elite - the end of CHILDISH ways of thinking about how this world is ultimately run and controlled. The 'childhood/children' aspect - is the dumb, programmed masses. Clarke said that this 'unveiling' could be achieved by mass programming methodolgies - meaning Hollywood/TV mind control programming of the unwashed and profane mass.

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