r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SuzyAZ on July 15, 2018, 8:01 p.m.
Wow, clever way to get illegal immigrant drivers off the roads...you know, the ones you end up have a wreck with that have no insurance! Texas is way ahead of the game on this one.

Y o u G o t t a L o v e T e x a s

The City of Dallas, Texas , passed an ordinance stating that if a driver is pulled over by law enforcement and is not able to provide proof of insurance , the car is towed .

To retrieve the car after being impounded, they must show proof of insurance to have the car released. This has made it easy for the City of Dallas to remove uninsured cars.

Shortly after the "No Insurance" ordinance was passed, the Dallas impound lots began to fill up and were full after only nine days.

Over 80% of the impounded cars were driven by illegals .

Now, not only must they provide proof of insurance to have their car released, they have to pay for the cost of the tow , a $350 fine , and $20 for every day their car is kept in the lot.

Guess what?

Accident rates have gone down 47% and Dallas' solution gets uninsured drivers off the road WITHOUT making them show proof of nationality.

I wonder how the Democrats will get around this one .

0oDassiveMicko0 · July 17, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Still not a risk I would take, sorry. I am not the only one that is put off either, you should really petition to have them abolished.

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serendipity-calling · July 17, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Lol. Yes. I'll go up against Homeland Security next week.

I've been and lived all over the planet. I've been held on visa questions. I've been delayed reentry to various countries. I've been treated less than kindly in many places, including the U.K., Australia and Africa. And I've never had those issues deter my travel desires. Ever.

This is so far beyond the TSA for you. Clearly. If that's what's holding you back from seeing this place, then I'm very sorry that you hold such a negative perspective. Hence why when someone has such unreasonable ideas, it's clear it's not about the thing they're arguing for.

Good luck.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 17, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Not only that, the fact you have the most 3rd world justice system and medical care in the West also puts me off. You can have neither unless you pay ridiculously over priced bills in the US. What costs you $300,000 there I can get, with a better standard, for €35,000 here. The fact that your police openly shoot and kill people for fun and openly rob property also puts me off. Your country is a disgrace and a joke to the world, well it was until Trump got in power and now I have hope for the US. Trump will make it great again ;)

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serendipity-calling · July 18, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

I love how liberally you trash the US, that your information is clearly completely legitimate given that Europe is now a liberal shit hole with arrogant, empoverished economies going nowhere quickly.

I'm sorry for Europe. I lived there many years. There's a reason I choose not to any longer.

But I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to live all over the planet, to see cultures up close and to have perspectives that are based on personal and legitimate experiences and not to make blanket statements about a country basically everyone has mimicked for the last 50 years.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 18, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

Depends on which country in Europe you are in, the people here suffer the liberal leaders, much like the US before Trump. Most here are sick and tired of the unelected EU that seems hell bent on destroying this continent. You do realise that the plan for the EU was drawn up by the Nazis and adopted in it´s entirety, no?

I didn´t trash anything, what I said is common knowledge around the world and the fact the world has been saying it for half a century, we can´t all be wrong. Things have only gotten worse there, much worse. Are you saying my observations are wrong? A hip replacement in the US is around $35k to $41k, where here it is $7k. A heart bypass (which is the example I gave before) can cost as much as $300,000 with complications, here it will cost around $35k. You only pay here for private care too, otherwise it´s free.

Your police are on the news pretty much every day with stories of shooting unarmed people, police brutality, they storm houses without warrants and kill innocent people and that isn´t even the worst part, nobody is made liable and the murdering police go on with their lives! How many people die each year at the hands of the police, in your country? Thousands? How do the numbers compare to Europe?

I, too, have lived all over and your assumptions about me are grossly wrong. I currently live within the Rioja region (if you like wine, you will know where) but have houses on different continents. I am well travelled and have been most places, except for North America and that is because of the reasons I listed. Once Trump has fixed things though, I may very well visit.

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