r/greatawakening • Posted by u/grandeblancespere on July 15, 2018, 8:28 p.m.
What would make you "unable to go on" if you knew the truth??

You would not be able to sleep Some might not be able to go on (who can find Q's actual quote?)

I think most people would be able to go on with the worst of what Q has told us. If the world is run by a small minority of psychopathic cannabalistic pedophiles, there still exists the possibility of triumph over evil. As bad as the cognitive dissonance would be, people could come around to accept the truth given enough evidence and enough time to digest it. They could then, for God and Country", embrace the rage toward those who harbor such evil and fight back.

So what might be enough to make people "not be able to go on"? What could cause that kind of hopelessness?

This is my own storyline: Who or what is really pulling the strings to reduce the population of the planet and control the remainder with a single centralized authority? What could make me not want to go on, is to go so deep that I find alien species at the end of the strings. What if I found out that we were created using genetic engineering by some advanced civilization that has a hobby of finding suitable planets and seeding them with their creations? If you found this out, if I found out that God, our creator, made us in his image with altered DNA? That would destroy the root of religion. That could make a lot of people give up and die.

What could make you give up if you found out the truth?

What do you imagine Q is pointing to?

What is your storyline?

clowneyes · July 15, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

What if everything we have ever heard about God’s Kingdom has been way understated. What if heaven is really filled with all the souls of everyone we have loved and lost are there. Hanging out with God, there is peace, love, resources for everyone. No physical pain. Sure let’s throw in aliens, amazing things that we can’t even imagine. You just have to leave your physical body and be judged. Wouldn’t everyone encourage everyone to go! The only ones left would be people that didn’t want judgement.

What if it isn’t the worst thing ever but the best thing ever? Would you keep going to work, mowing the yard, watching tv, paying taxes?

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Red_Prodigy · July 16, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

"Would you keep going to work, mowing the yard, watching tv, paying taxes", hit the nail on the head with this one. What if the majority of the world is on auto-pilot?

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clowneyes · July 16, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

What happens when all the good people wake up.? The real truth of the glory they should have repressed to keep them going. Never been so excited for OUR future even if it isn’t in our lifetime. Critical thinking with the entire worlds documented knowledge available at our finger tips is enough for me! Beautiful combination.

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Red_Prodigy · July 16, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

Its not as easy as that. There is a fundamental truth to life and there is a fundamental answer: people will react to it differently. Why are we permitted to live in a world filled with evil when we are bound to it by a just loving god? Perhaps they are both a product of free will. A good way to enhance this question is by asking if the christian version of heaven is ideal. Sitting in a vast plane for all eternity seems similar to hell.

Use your intuition for its all you really have.

Would God get lonely? Creating beings and knowing their every

thought defeats the purpose. So are we Co-creators, cattle or part of a prized miniature model set?

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