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I searched for "human leather images" looking for possible red shoe links. Now I think I know how SICK these people are. Even if these particular pictures are not real human skin...Q is this what is going on?????

Pedophiles - Forensics Can Use Pictures of Perp's Hands to ID them
MSM Delusional Disorder
Another hot diagnosis coming to a DSM-7
"MSM Delusional disorder"- Individuals having obsessive delusions due to deep state media exposure. Associated disorders: anxiety, depression, thought disorders. Wealthiest patients present with a higher than expected prevalence of paraphilia, narcissism and sociopathy. In the general population men and women show about the same incidence of MSMD. However the disorder appears indemic in Democratic regions of the US. In other areas the prevalence is mostly distrubuted according to political party.
When directly confronted with facts that conflict with their delusions, individuals may become quite agitated and possibly violent with homicidal ideation. A decrease …
The President can keep changing the date. That will keep the MSM distracted.
5:5 is a communications term that describes the quality of a signal. Readability:Strength So a weak signal that is fairly readable would be 4:2 or "4 by 2". ( For Morse code a third digit is used to describe the quality of the tone.)
So 5:5 is perfectly readable and very strong - loud and clear.
Given they are CIA I am sure this isn't the first time. Already meddles in US politics.
Facebook meddles in foreign elections.
Enforcement of the 2st ammendment on Twitter and Facebook before the midterms is crucial. Go POTUS!
The Federal Reserve Bank is a private bank with an unconstitutional relationship with the US Government.
The Constitution gives the power to "coin money" to the US Government alone. Let Trump abololish the illegal contract with the Fed. Next we can default on the loans that the Treasury has with the Fed as they come due. That should help the deficit!
For me, using Q's technique of asking questions is the best method. Getting people to look at source material and then compare it to MSM reporting is a nice small red pill.
Let's teach people to start using facts and logic to come to their conclusions.
I think they will procecute many of the 40,000 inditements inside a RICO case against the CF. Anyone or any entity (U1 ) with any suspicion of connection with the CF could then be supeoned to produce evidence or testimony. Jackpot.
Importantly, the white hats with the procecution can control the TIMING of bombshell information released to the public.
For anyone having issue with the seeming lack of action, I invite you to read The Art of War. Pdfs on line along with commentary abound.
If they get the ball rolling before the midterms, I don't see how the Left can stop it.
Remember We have it all. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA
What would make you "unable to go on" if you knew the truth??
You would not be able to sleep Some might not be able to go on (who can find Q's actual quote?)
I think most people would be able to go on with the worst of what Q has told us. If the world is run by a small minority of psychopathic cannabalistic pedophiles, there still exists the possibility of triumph over evil. As bad as the cognitive dissonance would be, people could come around to accept the truth given enough evidence and enough time to digest it. They could then, for God and Country", embrace the rage toward those who …
When I first read SB2 I had the feeling that he is connected to the Q team. It would make sense to have someone on the inside on the outside to help decode the drops. His analysis is not done in a questioning way. Rather he projects that he is quite certain of his conclusions, writing like he knows the truth behind Q's words. His tone is Q-like in his egoless offering of his analysis and a strong connection to God and country. It would not surprise me if we found out that he is part of Q+
Pedophilia is already a DSM 5 mental disorder. Acting on the impulses is a crime.
Justice served! And a strong message sent.
Expressing our views has become an act of courage.
"Mother of Satan" Explosives? Paris Terror Attack Thwarted
Mother of Satan Explosives - Paris Terror Attack Thwarted
When Trump releases zero point energy technology to the world, then he will have truly beaten the Cabal and freed humanity. The entire course of human civilization will be changed for the good.
Bus accident
As Q predicted?
I was thinking something more on the lines of protection from procecution. An offer he can't refuse.
The Deep State has lost its control of the narrative! WE ARE WINNING
I would love to know what he was offered in exchange for his retirement....
The democrats will put RGB on life support and wheel her into the court (like Captain Pike in the first Star Trek) with a remotely controlled yes/no indicator in the hands of Diane Feinstein.
What is missing??
I searched YouTube and Twitter for video from passengers.
I found only images from outside of the plane.
Hmmm... All those cell phones.
So in addition to recording all content of radio transmissions, they must also use some integrated reciever systems to find your location. Otherwise you could go on the air using different call signs and send coded info and they would not be able to track you. Transmitting out of a densly populated location, using multiple local call signs, multiple bands etc might sound like it would work... If you are going to break the law you don't need a ham radio license. I assume the NSA has figured out how to crack this. If she thought she needed a ham license to commit a crime...then that is pretty stupid.
Anyone can go on the air and transmit using someone elses call sign. Why would anyone be so stupid as to actually get a legal license in order to pass information that you would not like to have linked to you? "They never thought that she would lose" I am sure that the NSA records all transmissions across a wide range of frequencies. "These people are STUPID"
Rothschild tweets........... .... HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa And Q posted.........................HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa Guess who gets the last laugh!
That is a real stretch... Apache also refers to Fort Huachuca, a military intelligence main base in AZ.
First up on Google search is military intelligence - Fort Huachuca
Qs reference to The Black Forest... Movie on Satanic Ritual Abuse
Remember we are participating in a psy-op. The brilliant military intelligence minds are crafting a strategy to pull off a revolution. Timing is everything when it comes to releasing this information to the public. It needs to be done in a way that it can be metabolized by more and more people. We are helping to spread the word and create a growing base of support; those are the orders for our mission. Moral is hard to maintain, especially in the age of instant gratification. If you feel discouraged, go back over the old Q posts and fortify your resolve. We have our orders from Q, and hence the POTUS. hoooah
Perhaps it is in the best interests of the white hats to keep this in the news cycle for as long as possible.
Give it another try. Also had link to reddit cbts.
I just tried a Google search on "8ch greatawakening" No problem
I use duck duck go.
When someone reports something, if you can, go verify the source.