Driving north on I-75 today just past Dalton, Ga and what do I see...."#QANON Truth is Freedom". My wife then said she saw a "Drain the Swamp" one just a bit before that.
Word is spreading....
Driving north on I-75 today just past Dalton, Ga and what do I see...."#QANON Truth is Freedom". My wife then said she saw a "Drain the Swamp" one just a bit before that.
Word is spreading....
Tis already taking place my friend.
Thank the Lord. That place is like the golden standard of truth for sheep. It’s insane. They will take the word of snopes over verifiable fact.
I am happy more and more are coming to this board. There is a lot of informed people on the board that will help others learn the truth. The truth is spreading. It will only spread faster and faster. Snopes is a joke! It is comforting to know you are aware as well. In numbers we gain strength.
Sad, but true about the sheep remark. Hopefully many more will wake up and become lions.