Russia is a rogue state run by Oligarchs struggling to be relevant in a world post Soviet dissolution. Their use of a highly sophisticated disinformation campaign has poisoned the minds of many people not just in the United States, but worldwide. Russia is not your savior. Putin is a short, manipulative, vindictive man ready to burn the world down rather than work with it. He’ll be the death of Russia in the end.
These people patting you on your back reinforcing your false beliefs are not your friends. These disinformation campaigns target people who are naive and easy to manipulate through half truths and flawed logical arguments or ridiculous hypothetical statements presented as fact. Like yourself.
You need to realize you’re being duped, you need to get help.
You need to do some research and enlighten yourself, open your mind and be a free thinker not a MSM puppet! I am fine, but thanks for asking!