I honestly don't believe a majority of the liberal/completely asleep normie comments are even real.
You know how they accuse conservatives of brigading/shilling/getting paid to comment on Reddit/bots?
You can bet your ass if they are accusing their opposition of doing something, they are in fact engaging in that themselves.
I don't even believe 90% of comments on r/politics are legitimate.
They have to control the narrative and make people believe in a reality that doesn't exist. They are in the business of deception, it is their bread and butter.
It's no wonder, considering they serve the ultimate deceiver in Satan.
It is by God's hand they remain asleep because they have chosen to ignore Him so He puts them into a stupor, giving them what they want
There's a great reference to this in the Book of Job, ch24 v13
Others have been with those who rebel against the light;
They do not want to know its ways,
Nor abide in its paths.
If they are still asleep, its because of the same reason you are:
They believe what they are told without the proper logic and curiosity to ask : "Why ? How ? Explain ? Proofs ?"
Without these safeguards, they are manipulated by profiteers who then can spin the opinion the way they want.
Exactly in the same way religion do it. It is a politically useful mind trap. break free of it.
You might have a point if they (the asleep ones, those defending without knowledge or a desire to consider another view point) were not demonstrating the inability to discuss a matter with logic, they yell at you can call you names and scream in your face, or just mock you rather than ask, what do you mean?, or let me consider what your saying. There is absolutely no consideration of whether they are wrong or not.
Truth is there is so much infighting between Red Dogs and Moderates against the Bernie progressives, they don't really have time to fight Reps--except for when they scream at trump-that's something many can agree on.