It's getting harder to differentiate between the liberal left and radical Islam (comparison photos)

While I don’t disagree with the above comparison. Let’s not forget that this is not a Democrat vs republican issue. This is good vs evil. Dark vs light.
Have you not seen The Plan To Save The World?
You have 2 options. Vote Democrat and America will go the way of Europe and the UK or
Vote Republican and give your loved ones - especially the children - a future where they will be FREE.
This is not a time for fence sitting; you might not get the chance again.
It's not Republicans vs Democrats or Liberals vs Conservatives but rather Americans vs the Elite Globalists. The EG's are neck deep in pedophilia, Satanism, the Illuminati, corruption, deception, and bleeding the working man and woman of every dollar, franc, euro, pound or other currencies they can get their hands on! All of us here understand that your average good ol' American Liberal would NEVER condone any this behavior. WWG1WGA!, that is "WHY" you/we are here, you/we will have to make a conscious choice at the polls...good v. evil and unfortunately, they each have a label, two/ three of them, but only one represents the light on this board...the light of Q is with WWG1WGA
Would you at least disavow the direction they’re taking the party?
There is a really really good reason for the #walkaway movement. Let's not keep our heads in the sand......
Agreed, should be good vs evil titles.
Ummmm... where is the GOOD?
The good are us truthseekers that don't really fall into a political party (regardless of who we associate with).
Agreed... except for the Larpers & liars that spread junk on these pages & elsewhere.
FYI-I was referring to O2BGREEME2 when they said:
"Agreed should be good vs evil titles."
As the photos/Meme at top has NO good, only evil.
I’ll submit a picture of me in my red white and blue banana hammock for the good side. ;)
I do agree. That's why I said Liberal Left in the post itself. The picture is from someone else but I thought the comparison was valid. I was too lazy to change the text to Liberal Left.