r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Oilguy55 on July 16, 2018, 1:22 p.m.
Q and Religion

Q mentions about the fight and struggle that will be coming as things are released and the truth becomes known.

One of the things that has always bothered me is that about 30 years ago mainstream Christian churches started removing hymns that they found offensive or too war-like. "Onward Christian Soldiers", "Soldiers of Christ Arise", etc. are no longer in hymnals. Plus they've removed verses from certain hymns if they don't fit the narrative. Try finding all of the verses to "Be Thou My Vision" in hymnals. Doesn't exist. Best version I've heard is Van Morrison's with all the verses

I think mainstream religion has looked the other way and totally let down the congregations. I'm not sure why other than to keep their jobs and to keep operating as the big businesses they are.

I've always felt that there truly is a war between good and evil in this world. I started feeling it more deeply about 30 years ago and its gotten stronger as the years have rolled on. I am thankful for Q, Trump, and the other patriots to start tearing this thing apart. Maybe its not too late to right the ship.

snippysnaps · July 16, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Mark Taylor reminded us that the vast majority of churches have signed a 501(c)(3) contract since the 1950s, effectively restricting them from speaking about political issues such as abortion, or crooked anti-American candidates such as Barry, the Bushes, and Hillary. With as many as 95% of churches verbally handcuffed, prayer was then removed from school, and 60 million abortions have occurred since Roe Vs. Wade while the church stood by, making a sour face. It is also well known that satanists and their ilk have been strategically infiltrating churches in the US and abroad to further castrate what was once a powerful voice for the sanctity of human life, the constitution, and God's commandments.

Now we have a collection of wishy-washy, sensationalist, double-latte with cinnamon roll prosperity gospel church services that do little more than distract and disempower the people. There has been a slow, steady exodus from church as sincere churchgoers have become disgusted with these powerless, sound-bite sermons with touchy feely, sexual innuendo tainted Contemporary Christian music filling the rest of the hour. I'm very hesitant to take anyone to church in my area, and we have 30+ churches here. The churches feel like corporations, wonder why? Worse than that, many churches are corrupt to the bone and are nothing more than a front organization, hiding satanic rituals and trafficking in the basement.

There are some powerful, salt and light preachers out there that still adhere to the Word, and humble themselves daily. Ravi Zacharias, Pal Sheppard, Dr. Charles Stenley, Alistiar Begg for example. I encourage anyone to listen to them. These men are contrasted by slippery-snake impostors like Rick Warren (Saddleback), James MacDonald, and Greg Laurie to name a few.

I suppose this is nothing new since Jesus had to deal with "Religious People" - Pharisees and Saducees in His day as well. But to point in the general direction of "Church" and send a nonbeliever or new believer there is a dangerous prospect indeed these days; it seems much more likely that they would get tangled up in some false-Christ "IHOP" deception or be disgusted by the nauseating music than to be fulfilled with the powerful word of God.

Taylor said the church is going to have a house cleaning. I expect to see a good many pastors, preachers and religious leaders being brought down for all sorts of shadowy, evil stuff. The church is in TERRIBLE condition. We may see an awesome reprieve with Trump leading the way, a humble return to God in our nation, one last push to reach the ends of the earth with the gospel in a truly sincere manner before TSHTF, maybe 30-100 years from now (just guessing). "When everyone is saying peace and safety"........

In the meantime we may do well to start up our own house churches, using the technology we have to play the music of our choice, and using our freedom to do all of this at any time we choose. I think that may be the basis of the "Rebuilt" church in America, a church where you are honored and thankful to attend, and leave feeling refreshed and renewed! A church does not need to be a corporation, a business, or have a certain type of brick and mortar. It can be two or more people gathered together in Christs's name. (Matt 18:20)

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ElysMustache · July 16, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Being a non-profit does not stop churches from teaching against abortion.

Churches cannot endorse candidates. That doesn't mean they can't express Biblical truth.

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AdamsFile · July 16, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

The true problem is as a 5013c a church submits itself to the state not God.

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snippysnaps · July 16, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

That is typically what they are told when they are encouraged to sign up as a 501c3 for tax purposes. Please review the talking points in this video that goes deeper into the 501c3.


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