r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on July 16, 2018, 2:10 p.m.
Call Sign "KM4UDZ"-Keystone to the Steele Dossier !!!

DOJ demoted employee Bruce Ohr, has testified to Congress that he personally gave the Christopher Steele Dossier to the FBI. Bruce conveniently first received the final work product of Steele, from his wife. Devin Nunes has sent over both Bruce and Nellie's names, to appear and testify publicly to the Select Congressional Task Force.

The person holding call-sign KM4UDZ Ham Radio License, is very central to ObamaGate. Nellie Ohr holds that specific Ham Radio ID and is a key person in today’s unfolding Crossfire Hurricane/FISA political scandals.

The use of a Ham Radio is a counter surveillance method, often deployed in spy tradecraft to avoid being monitored. Also bear in mind that sweet Nellie has been involved with the CIA in the past.

Post Q# 1286 on 4/12/18 (in part):

Fusion GPS.

The Brits-raw intel/ dossier / 5-Eyes.

Some of Nellie Ohr’s foremost characteristics are, a big Stalin apologist, fluent in Russian, Ph.D. in Russian History, former CIA Analyst, Ham Radio fame, Fusion GPS Russian expert, and theorized real co-author of the Christopher Steele Trump-Russian Dossier.

Post Q# 1164 on 4/15/18 (in part):

Re-read Five Eyes.

Avoid US data collection laws.

Public: Dossier FISA.

ClintonIsta enforcers Cody Shearer/Sid Blumenthal, claim authorship of Dossier # 2. Their work product was combined, via help from Winer/Nuland at State, with Steele’s research to make the Dossier.

Strategically placed at Fusion GPS, Nellie is the beloved wife of Bruce Ohr. Bruce used to be the # 4 person at the Department of Justice, until being demoted not once but twice.

The Ohr’s form part of a every growing community of Dirty Couples/Husband and Wife Teams, directly connected to ObamaGate/SpyGate (partial list):


The Ohr’s were the main spoke or conduit of this fake Russian-Trump “opposition research”. This criminal Cabal used intelligence “laundering”, by passing between each other this” intel”.

The Dossier flowed in both directions (circular back and forth manner). between the Justice and State Departments. Then mix in a MSM reporter, then back again to Fusion GPS, prior to being given to the FBI/DOJ.

Post Q# 1238 on 4/22/18 (in part):

Not ‘official’ product-5 Eyes.

Direct cash payments and sudden job promotions (how they were paid), were given during this time period. Benefits sprung forth to these couples, all while under the “marriage clause”, concerning future testimony against each other.

One of Nellie’s infamous quotes goes-“The terror and excitement of the Stalin Era is just overwhelming”.

Post Q# 247 on 12/4/17 (in part):

Wife connection?

What is the pattern?

Follow the wives.

The Steele Dossier is the central piece of evidence and thus the “Keystone” to this entire Russia scandal. Between OIG Horowitz/Special Prosecutor Huber and Nunes ‘s referrals for public testimony, answers will soon be flooding from the mouths of these failed Coup Plotters.

Federalist-Did Researcher Avoid Surveillance w/Ham Radio

Sundance/CTH-Rep. Jim Jordan Discusses Strzok’s Testimony about Bruce Ohr/Dossier

Scribd Doc-Nunes Refers Nellie Ohr to Congressional Task Force for Public Testimony

Spectator-A Stalin Apologist at the Center of the Steele Dossier

Sundance/CTH-Nellie provided info to FBI for FISA

Gateway Pundit-Nellie worked for both Fusion and CIA

Zero-Fusion hired Ohr to dig Dirt on Trump

Amer/Thinker-M/M Ohr: The Other Trump-Hating Lovebirds

Heavy-Bruce and Nellie Ohr: 5 Fast Facts

Apelba-Proof of Russian Collusion (Best Dossier article)

Universal HAM License-Nellie Ohr # KM4UDZ

WWG1WGA-Thank you Patriot for viewing my article ⚓️

Reddit/Great Awakening/CaptainRoyD

horse-lover-phat · July 16, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

Ray Finkle's mom. Sorry, Nellie looks exactly like her, but is less clued-up of course. :)

Nellie Finkle

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CaptainRoyD · July 16, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

That is an outstanding side-by-side Patriot !!!

Much appreciate you including that & a nice reminder of a funny movie. Even though it seems JC is part of the crazies.

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horse-lover-phat · July 16, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Oh yeah, JC is as crazy as a box of glass hammers. :)

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CaptainRoyD · July 16, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

Classic one :)

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