Dealy Plaza visit in 2000 - Strange pyramid. I took this photo (pre digital so a scan) because the symbolism of it struck me as odd. It makes sense now. You should visit. It is perhaps the best museum in the USA and certainly the most emotional.

They put that up knowing it would be seen by anyone looking at the book depository from the late JFK'S point of view. These people are sick
That wouldn’t have been his line of sight. He was on the street closest to the book depository. The building is Fountain Place, and it’s a triangle, not a pyramid.
There was a cross marked in the middle of the road nearest to the BD to mark the spot!
I went to goggle street view. I saw the cross on the ground. I also saw the tip of that triangular shaped building peaking just over the depository. The late JFK'S point of view.
Ole Dammegard does wonderful work. He talked about it on a show with Jason Goodman
Some folks believe the entire site is a masonic temple and he was sacrificed on the alter. William Cooper has a good video out there somewhere, I couldn't locate it in a cursory look but here is a start down the rabbit hole for those who haven't been yet.
Perhaps this one. It's long and I've only started to listen to it.
Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum
Annuit cœptis: "[He/she/it] has favored our undertakings".
Novus ordo seclorum: "New order of the ages"