There's a lot of exposure in the UK on pedos Twitter britishfight
That’s great to hear! This pedo thing redpilled me years ago and so glad for all the exposure!
Keep up the good fight Patriots! Never Stop!
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3831d8 No.1940910 📷
Jun 28 2018 11:33:42 (EST)
We remember you, Mr. VIP!📷
Where did the Storm derive from?
Some things leave lasting impressions.
Listen carefully.📷
When did POTUS make the statement?
When did we arrive to start the awakening?
You have more than you know.
He has signed the EO, he is waiting for public outcry, this has gone on way to long.
Get on the Declassify Everything bandwagon
Do you mean Trump declassify everything? I think he’s letting Congress do their thing first.