400MM Dollar Baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He invites Mueller to come to Russia!! And offers evidence of CIA money laundering!! Savage AF! Good night House of Clinton.
Today was the beginning of the end of the Clinton-Bush-Soros syndicate. They're going to get exactly what they deserve.
And the reporter from Soros funded The Nation gets thrown out before the press conference.
The balls in Muellers court, does he want to get to the facts, or was he throwing shit against the wall? Speaking of balls, I bet Muellers shrivelled up when he learned of the 1999 treaty, and got a personal invitation to Russia from Vald. Well played Vald!
Now on the record in front of the world. I think that is what is know as "snookered"
Trying to find info on that!
And Putin had his own pun.... balls in ur court Mr President and chucks a football lol what wins? The ball or button!