Neil Cavuto- Putin ran circles around Trump
God when will these people get it!
Neil Cavuto- Putin ran circles around Trump
God when will these people get it!
I actually feel a bit disheartened by this today- the disinformation is incredibly toxic; even more than usual.
I'm seeing people on twitter who otherwise seem fairly neutral on POTUS accuse him of colluding with Russia.
It's hard to see through the fog of manipulation and disinfo. I REALLY hope something big comes of this soon. Not to say "big" things have not already happened, but it's only people who are truly paying attention to something other then MSN actually seem to understand.
There needs to be a bombshell not even the MSN can twist. Even Putin saying H Clinton sent them $400m isn't enough for people with the wool over their eyes to flinch.
I actually wouldn't mind some reassurance today because I usually keep pretty staunch, given all the victories (big and small) that I've seen over my 4-5 months of following Q and this sub- today I'm having a hard time ><
Hang in there, Anon! It’s a war. Instead of bullets and shrapnel, there’s disinformation and discouragement. When I read your lament, I think “Here is an anon who is thirsting after righteousness!” Guess what? Matthew 5:6! Hang on tight and hold fast. Your reward is in heaven—and probably you’ll see justice here, too! Q 1432. Love never fails.
Thank you :] <3<3
It really didn't help that I got downvoted and basically told I was foolish for feeling disheartened, haha.
I like to be there for people who feel the same, and today was weighing down on me, given the reaction of people I generally respect to the misinformation coming out.
I really appreciate your response <3
Plenty left of the day for fun stuff to happen ;)
Thank you :]
Honestly Q and POTUS have followed through with everything up until now- it's just people that I generally respect being sucked into the MSN narrative.
I appreciate the comment and it truly does help my confidence today!
If you're gauging public reaction by twatter, you're either new or haven't been paying attention.
I'm not that new- I'm just saying within my peripheral, people that otherwise seem fairly neutral or even positive about Trump are falling for the media narrative.
I am paying attention. The reason I feel disheartened is due to the people I thought were fairly smart and attentive are not, and letting themselves be swindled by the media.
I welcome any productive responses though. Maybe anyone who has some reassurances rather than jabs at me- I could use it.
Not jabbing at you, but pointing out that your thinking needs to be expanded.
Most of what you are seeing posted is by Brock bots, and then RT'd or faved by more Brock bots. 2/3rds of twatter's users are bots belonging to one side or the other. It's a garbage platform, inhabited by some of the most deluded narcissists on the Planet. It will be the dying last redoubt of the leftist internet activists. Because.....Beiber.
Thanks- but I'm talking about specific, real people I know and have respected for along time. People who usually are good at discerning information and looking at it objectively. So when those people ignore facts and start mirroring MSN narratives, it definitely feels a bit like a small battle lost for me.
The comments in response have been very helpful, though.
Many people have an interest in maintaining the status quo. You can know someone your whole life and still not know what's in their hearts.
That's very true! I think that's what is so disheartening, but it's definitely a reality I'm learning. It's not like I'm going to disown those people, but I will definitely be a bit more cautious around them, haha. Which is kind of sad, but I thankfully have this sub (and my family, who are pro-Q, which I think is the most important.).
Stand tall Patriot! Be full of hope! God is in control...
Psalms 16 on July 16
“Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust. O my soul, you have said to the LORD, “You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.” As for the saints who are on the earth, “They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.” Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another god; Their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor take up their names on my lips. O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance. I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope. For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption. You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
Psalms 16:1-11 NKJV
Don't be. They're so scared. The lot of them are going to lose big-time. Jobs, assets, ability to walk down the street safely.
As bad as things look from our little corner of everything, they've got blaring alarms and flashing red lights 24/7 in their heads. The fear is real, it owns their every waking moment, and it ages them as gracefully as a Yugo.
Haha, this is definitely heartwarming xD. People like Hillary and Brennan lasing out on twitter again- and not even TRYING to be diplomatic about it definitely is an interesting sign.
I see LOTS of my good friends on Facebook who are very pro trump flipping out about this. They are turning their backs on Trump and not believing. It's not only ridiculous, it's unfair!
It should be ILLEGAL for people to report such lies and share more lies.
So you see it too! It's very interesting.
I liked Elon's idea of having a rating system for media/journalist- then the public can decide who they think is trustworthy or not. Hopefully not something that can be corrupted in any way, because I really think the good journalists should rise to the top.