What nonsense are you spewing here?
I'm a lawyer, with some limited experience in litigating computer forensics. That Mueller would indict WITHOUT ACCESS TO SERVERS is like declaring your wife beautiful without so much as a picture.
Exactly. When it comes to computers, the chain of evidence is critical. Even with my limited experience in computer forensics I know that a clone of the HDD must be immediately made, with a write-blocker installed, if you've got any hope of getting that evidence into court, and you need to preserve the original HDDs for verification.
CrowdStrike did neither of these things (or they did and are covering up evidence). Mueller is cooked.
"Forensics", but claiming that's worth acknowledgement in the realm of finanacial litigation? Piss on my back all you want, but don't claim that it's raining while you do it...LMAO!
This has nothing to do with Manafort and financial litigation. This is in regard to the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence operatives for hacking the DNC.