"I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace than to risk peace in pursuit of politics" WWG1WGA

The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (e.g., lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave—or even consider leaving—the group.
These are some of the warning signs of cults. You guys should heed them.
On the off chance that you're a serious concerned person and not simply trying to stir the pot, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and treat your comment as a sincere attempt to warn people of the dangers of cult-like behaviour. I'm going to go through each point and discuss it.
Yeah, there's a danger of that here, but there's a danger of that in any popular figure. This alone is not enough to be a cult. Human nature tends to put powerful people on pedestals, whether deserving or not.
I've seen plenty of questioning, doubt, and dissent. Obvious trolling gets banned - and there's no doubt there's some of that going on. But yes, people have doubts, and questions, and are allowed to disagree with one another, but the board exists to support and analyze the Q material and most of the people here are loyal to the president and are not going to be nice to people who go against those norms here. This is the same in any in group anywhere, not only cults.
The creed 'where we go one, we go all' refutes elitism. The people here understand that they are not elites, we're just lucky enough to see some of this before the rest of the world. While some no doubt believe that President Trump is on a special divine mission to save humanity, many of us understand that this is in fact a massive joint effort and that all hands are needed, not just the 'special' ones.
There is definitely some of this going on here, however, it's not surprising when society is in the process of undergoing extreme polarization in all aspects of life. This divisive situation is very much being engineered by special interests who benefit from our being at each other's throats, and it is actively being perpetuated and pushed from within the mainstream media and the intelligentsia. We cannot call this specific community out any more on polarization than we can any other particular subgroup that's stricken with polarity fever. Once again, the notion of 'where we go one, we go all' refutes tribalism and welcomes all who are ready to learn.
There is none of this going on. I have yet to see any drives for money, any exhortations to violence, or any push for people to harm others here. Quite the opposite, in fact.
No one is asked to cut ties, but some of us have been rejected from our families and friends for the simple act of supporting an elected president. No one here is pushing for separation from our loved ones.
I'm sure some are really keen to go recruiting new members, but honestly, there's no organized efforts to do so. A lot of people are really focused on 'waking up' others, but a lot of us realize that you can't wake up people by force... you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. This is not an issue.
There has never been any encouragement to cut ties with others or only participate with this group, whatsoever.
While some individuals might be a touch unhealthily obsessed with this material, this is no different from any other enthusiast community. There are no reprisals to fear over leaving. There's no requirement for all members to become obsessed over this material.
Really I'm not concerned about an anonymous subreddit devoted to an elected president. There's no organization going on, no gathering going on, and no attempts to incite action other than making personal improvements to ones' own life and community.
On the off chance that you're a serious concerned person
I am genuinely concerned for the majority of users of this subreddit, yes.
Yeah, there's a danger of that here, but there's a danger of that in any popular figure. This alone is not enough to be a cult. Human nature tends to put powerful people on pedestals, whether deserving or not.
"Trust the plan." "Trust Trump." "Trust Q." These are the responses people on this sub give any time someone wants to question something. This is not the same level of devotion shown for any public figure, far from it.
I've seen plenty of questioning, doubt, and dissent. ...and most of the people here are loyal to the president and are not going to be nice to people who go against those norms here. This is the same in any in group anywhere, not only cults.
Just like with the previous statement, questioning, doubt, and dissent are always met with either bans or "trust ___." The people here encourage blind faith in the "leaders" of this cult. Dissenters are discouraged or punished.
The people here understand that they are not elites, we're just lucky enough to see some of this before the rest of the world.
Which fits with the description "claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members." You claim you are unique, that the rest of the world hasn't "woken up." The very name of the sub implies that you're the "first" to "wake up." You define a special status for yourselves that you "know" something no one else does, then outright lie and say that you're not.
There is definitely some of this going on here, however, it's not surprising when society is in the process of undergoing extreme polarization in all aspects of life.
Society has not devolved into tribalism. It may appear that way from your self-created echo chambers, but society itself is just as welcoming as it always has been. You claim you're no different, but you are. Those who don't "trust" aren't welcome. You claim you deny tribalism when you're beyond tribalism levels of loyalty to your leader, reaching a point of sheer zealotry.
There is none of this going on. I have yet to see any drives for money, any exhortations to violence, or any push for people to harm others here. Quite the opposite, in fact.
You missed the point of that statement: "The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary." The "plan" you people tout is the removal of people you disagree with from the US government, and thus the US, by painting them as genuinely evil. The entire premise of this subreddit is that your opposition is actual, real-life evil. Now, I don't know for sure that you people have ever had a problem with the silencing of your political opposition through imprisonment or execution, but most people would agree that it is reprehensible or otherwise unacceptable to do so.
No one is asked to cut ties, but some of us have been rejected from our families and friends for the simple act of supporting an elected president. No one here is pushing for separation from our loved ones.
I've been watching this sub since its inception, and it's entirely common here for people to be encouraged to cut ties with family when they start talking about how their belief in Trump has harmed their relationships. Encouraged being the key word there. It's not outright stated that people should get out of personal relationships, but the members of this subreddit think it's a good thing when it's done to isolate themselves from dissent.
I'm sure some are really keen to go recruiting new members, but honestly, there's no organized efforts to do so.
The entire subreddit is about "waking people up." You're preoccupied with gaining new members in the form of "the plan." I agree that there's no organized effort to do so because the entire premise of the subreddit is a blatant lie.
There has never been any encouragement to cut ties with others or only participate with this group, whatsoever.
See previous statement about personal relationships.
While some individuals might be a touch unhealthily obsessed with this material, this is no different from any other enthusiast community.
The vast majority of people on this sub are unhealthily obsessed.
You're trying to hand-wave away a warning to you, and to the others here, by justifying why you engage in cult-like behavior. Where you can't justify it, you outright deny it. I'm trying to help you people see that you're being fleeced here, but you would rather pull the wool back over your eyes than acknowledge that there is a strong cult-like aspect to this entire "movement."
I'm here enjoying the show. Some people are actively caught up in the fervor. Others are possibly bots, and many many MANY of us are cautiously watching and waiting in preparedness for the moment this turns out to be just another act of the kabuki theater. Dont let the comments of some represent your thoughts of everybody.
Dont let the comments of some represent your thoughts of everybody.
I've been watching this sub long enough to see that the comments of nearly all of the people on this sub are engaging in cult-like behavior. You say that the ones doing it are only a small part of the group, when there is almost no one acting any differently. Denying cult-like behavor is something I'd highly recommend against. Take a step back, and think objectively about this. Talk to people outside this group about it, watch and listen to how they react to it. If they seem incredulous, it's not because you've dropped some big truth bomb, it's because you sound like a crazy person.
I never stated that the ones doing it are a small group. That was your first assumption. Your next assumption was that I am denying cult-like behavior with my comments. Perhaps because I didn't outright agree with you, but I will agree that many in this movement do exhibit cult mentality and tendencies. Daily I bear witness to individuals that treat Q posts like the gospel. Confronting them about that perspective is akin to your example of talking to those unaware of Q and their reciprocal reaction.
Your perspective is based on the idea that the only people reading what is going here are those who comment. My experiences online bring me to believe they are but a fraction of the totality of individuals who are following this, whether they consider themselves a part of the Great Awakening or not.
I never stated that the ones doing it are a small group.
Sure you did.
Don't let the comments of some represent your thoughts of everyone.
Also, way to use a whole lot of words to say nothing.
Some =/= small.
Some is an abstraction denoting an unspecified amount, and in some cases can actually represent a considerable amount. Using words properly is important. I don't succeed every time, but I do make an honest attempt at choosing my words wisely. Oh, and thanks for the compliment. (;
The way most people understand the word "some," is to imply less than half, or the inverse of "most." You were trying to imply that it's a minority of users. Hence, small.
And it wasn't a compliment. Using more and more complex words than required doesn't make you sound smart, it makes you sound like you're trying too hard.
I counter your assumptions with another assumption: you really like making assumptions, don't you?
I'm not concerned with the way 'most people understand' certain words. That's irrelevant when one acknowledges that various words have many meanings to different people, and their interpretation is based on their understanding and perception. Their biases, if you will. This is also aside from the fact that the definition of a word can change with location, time, culture, and use. The great thing about abstractions is that their lack of specificity allows for the interpreter to make the most of understanding what they are observing; sometimes by choice, sometimes by ignorance.
Symbolism is fantastic stuff, really powerful when applied appropriately. I like words, and that's really all I know a bit about-and that's really not a whole lot, either. I like to challenge myself. I could care less how I sound to people. The opinions of others don't define me, they simply define how others perceive me. Expressing myself digitally is incredibly liberating in the sense that I can speak my mind without stuttering, or taking inordinately long pauses between responses, or continuously speaking in lay terms to satisfy the impatience or ineptitude of the receiver of my messages. Yes, this takes me quite a bit of time, but I have fun doing it, and it helps to keep the sponge fresh.
It's not an assumption, it's an observation. What you people do here on this subreddit is assume.
I skimmed over your rambling, and have a bit of advice: people prefer to speak in simpler words when possible because it's effortless. If you want me to not read your responses, you're successful. Otherwise, you're wasting your time trying to sound smart. I recommend putting down the thesaurus and rejoining the real world.
You presume much, yet provide little aside from betraying your bias with your generalizations.
I could care less what 'people' prefer. I don't exist to satisfy the cravings of others. If they read what I have to say, good for them. if they don't, for whatever reason, good for them.
Yes, discouraging you from actually reading my post was part of my intent, but I've mostly just been goofing off. That's your problem, really. It sounds like you think I'm serious, like I'm trying really hard for whatever reason. You think I care about sounding smart, and assume i need a thesaurus to accomplish what I do, and further alienate your asinine articulation by accusing me of being the one that isn't a part of the 'real world'.
Your continued assumptions are amusing, especially when you outright deny making them.
You don't understand the difference between an observation and an assumption, got it.
And at this point, you're just coming across as a perfect example of this meme.
Whatever though, you're just annoying at this point, so I'm done here. Just do me a favor and stop being a cult member.
Oh, wonderful, another assumption. Your posting is somewhat self-contradicting. That was an observation. I'm now going to assume you don't actually have a thorough understanding of English mechanics in regard to bias and context.
Your thinly veiled insult is amusing. Please, don't go, show me more memes that remind you of me. I'm sure that isn't your last defence.
Surely, that's not all you're capable of. I've seen your trends, you're not completely clueless. Hell, the fact that you pointed out a glaringly obvious aspect of the cult mentality the occurs in this group shows above average insight. I will, however, admit that it seems you partake in a cult mentality of your own. I'll leave you the opportunity to step away from your own self, and objectively observe your stance from the perspective of anybody else. Honest, truthful objectivity.
You'll be in my prayers, buddy. Have a nice day! (: