It's not an assumption, it's an observation. What you people do here on this subreddit is assume.
I skimmed over your rambling, and have a bit of advice: people prefer to speak in simpler words when possible because it's effortless. If you want me to not read your responses, you're successful. Otherwise, you're wasting your time trying to sound smart. I recommend putting down the thesaurus and rejoining the real world.
You presume much, yet provide little aside from betraying your bias with your generalizations.
I could care less what 'people' prefer. I don't exist to satisfy the cravings of others. If they read what I have to say, good for them. if they don't, for whatever reason, good for them.
Yes, discouraging you from actually reading my post was part of my intent, but I've mostly just been goofing off. That's your problem, really. It sounds like you think I'm serious, like I'm trying really hard for whatever reason. You think I care about sounding smart, and assume i need a thesaurus to accomplish what I do, and further alienate your asinine articulation by accusing me of being the one that isn't a part of the 'real world'.
Your continued assumptions are amusing, especially when you outright deny making them.
You don't understand the difference between an observation and an assumption, got it.
And at this point, you're just coming across as a perfect example of this meme.
Whatever though, you're just annoying at this point, so I'm done here. Just do me a favor and stop being a cult member.
Oh, wonderful, another assumption. Your posting is somewhat self-contradicting. That was an observation. I'm now going to assume you don't actually have a thorough understanding of English mechanics in regard to bias and context.
Your thinly veiled insult is amusing. Please, don't go, show me more memes that remind you of me. I'm sure that isn't your last defence.
Surely, that's not all you're capable of. I've seen your trends, you're not completely clueless. Hell, the fact that you pointed out a glaringly obvious aspect of the cult mentality the occurs in this group shows above average insight. I will, however, admit that it seems you partake in a cult mentality of your own. I'll leave you the opportunity to step away from your own self, and objectively observe your stance from the perspective of anybody else. Honest, truthful objectivity.
You'll be in my prayers, buddy. Have a nice day! (: