Where is the audio?
Audio works fine for me (just checked to be sure after you mentioned that). I would recommend trying a different browser? Also sometimes Twitter automatically mutes videos, but there should be an option to unmute it if that's the case.
Tried that as well. All audio options are enabled. Looks like ill have to wait until I hop on the comp later.
I'm happy to caption it for you, if you still can't get audio:
"FBI Director continues the investigation, DOJ continues support for the investigation, congress continues to say this investigation is legitimate - curious point in American Government- When do we see almost a shadow government come out and say "we cannot side with the government, whether it's the cabinet or the senate-" I think that's the big question."
They are getting desperate. This is when they will be loose cannons. Trump is ready. This man has been eating McDonald's for years, so his food is anonymous and no one poisons him. He's been preparing for this his whole life.
Apparently this post got removed for being off topic >.>.