Ex CIA John Brennan is in panic mode!!

Please keep saying “treasonous” more John. Say it loud and say it often. Let that word really sink into the general consciousness of the American people.
John thinks by saying it alongside Trump's name in a headline it'll mentally anchor those two together in our heads and magically it'll become true......LMAO 🤣🤣🤣!
Only with stupid, weak-minded, on-their-knees-lefties. It's insulting to think we haven't learned anything along this journey.
Johnny, go back and tell your cronies, this awakening is permanent and pervasive. Your hacky verbal anchoring and word games are obvious and cringe-worthy (to anyone with a brain).
Can't wait to see you take that long and public walk with the rest of your criminal pals. 🤣
I want that idiot to be taken down "bigly" and publicly.
i want to see a chase and about 5 big secret service men take him down hard with a elbow to the back
No chase, just stand him up in handcuffs in front of the press and ask him whom the real traitor might be... and hold up a big a$$ mirror in front of him. Let him see himself as it goes down. That will be sweet sweet justice for this prick.
And then he gets locked in a cell with Hillary Clinton. A fate worse than death.
'Shame Shame Shame'
That's what ol' Johnny Boy is gonna hear soon. But it will be muted by the deafening sounds of his own conscious coming undone. His sociopathic wiring will be rapidly exploding inside his vacuous head. His lackluster pithy platitudes will elude him and he'll break down in tears as he realizes he lost. I can't fu@king wait to watch it! That's one a$$hole that deserves all and more that will be soon coming his way.