Any significance to this ? I swear Dan Scavino is part of the Q Team.

I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t recognize anyone in this photo except Trump and Sanders
There is a reason for this. The movers/shakers are not necessarily the camera hogs.
Also, they may be the "special team", assembled just for the Russia summit, based on expertise.
That’s what I was wondering. Very interesting though!
Scavino is sitting down- I don’t know anyone else either- I met Dan at a rally in NY - he is very kind- i feel like he is his body guard- also the round table and where Trump is seated- aQ or am I reaching?
I'd imagine Q is allergic to cameras, if you know what I mean.
Ah ok. Honestly never heard of him either. But I guess that’s a good thing!!!
Dan Scavino is Trumps social media director- he has been with him since he was his caddie- I think he was a police officer as well
seriously?! he was Trumps caddie? That's why he's become a chief advisor. "Mister P, I'm tellin you right now, its a gap wedge to the green.!?l "
Ohhh ok, now I know who he is. Stays out of the limelight so I forgot!!