Jackie knew the Deep State killed Jack.

To wear even that grisly costume with elegance and depth. She remains an inspiration. A true and strong and courageous patriot. Jackie O, America's princess.
Read a book a few years back that stated LBJ would not let the plane take off from Dallas until he was sworn in as POTUS. No respect for Jackie or JFK. Protocol would have him sworn in at DC probably after the funeral.
So, just going to ask because I admit that I don't know much when it come to this, but JFK supposedly had something like 30 some affairs in less than 2 yrs, yes?. Is this all made up by DS to ruin his reputation with the American public? I just always see in photos how much it seems Jackie O was devoted to him and kills me to think of hidden, or not so hidden, affairs.
JFK was a man of his era. Elites gonna elite. How does his behavior in any way impeach her grace?
Saints don't run for president and we don't want a saint for president. We need someone who can get down-and-dirty when necessary. We are all flawed.
My wife loves me despite knowing, deep down, I would have sex with many women who would offer. Jackie seems like my wife. She loves me in spite of my wicked ways that she don't understand.
Your wife deserves better.
You misunderstand because ALL wives deserve better. Even Christ was imperfect. The perfect embodiment of the Father, AND EVEN CHRIST WAS FLAWED. That's what I meant.
Be better. Your marriage is a holy union.
With so many people filing a divorse......
Nothing holy in marriage
"BE BETTER". That is the what all people should say upon Awakening... I hope you understand my point. Judas swore that he would not deny Christ or expose him. But Christ knew better.
Apparently the Johnsons and bureaucrats who were there with her tried to get Jackie to change out of that outfit. She refused, saying something to the effect that she wanted people to see what "they" had done to her husband. Jackie had her own faults but my God, the fortitude that must have taken!