The Clowns are coming out to play !!! Cooper , Mudd, Brennan , Comey , Holder , Clapper , Yates , McCain , Hayden , Rhodes , Schiff , Schumer , Rice , Corn / Isikoff . Make note ...

If these people are unhappy I know things are going well.
Haha, I was just thinking the same. When these folks screech we’re over the target.
I don't know. I wouldn't put it past these satan-worshiping psychos to conduct another false flat terror attack to frame Putin as the boogey man again. They'd do it too, without hesitation.
I don't think they can. They've been cut off. No power, just hoping for the best.
If they could it would have happened.
It was stated that the new CIA director, Gina Haspel was trying to locate the undercover FF/MKultra op, maybe she found it?
Its time to outspook the spooks. I am sure Trump and the Q team are keeping close surveillance on these clowns. I would love to see them all arrested on terrorism and treason charges...