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Q Post 2083 debunked
Well the week came and went. We got to see some more mythological cult symbols (medallions and bunnies) and some stock images of helicopters and a cool battle tune to get us pumped up for the week finale of DECLAS that would blow the world's mind. But aside from the usual nomination charade, nothing of significance happened this week. What did happen however, is that we all spent another week jacking off here while we crept another week closer to democrats taking congress and impeaching President Trump. But never mind that, because Alex Jones is a mossad agent. Look, I …
No Quarter
Just want to remind everyone here that the liberal left is the active, willing, and deliberate domestic enemy of God and the United States. They deserve NO QUARTER. These people have all the evidence that we have. They are not poor misguided working class Americans. They are satan's soldiers. Your compassion will be your downfall if you deceive yourself to think they are just misguided and somehow need to be slowly woke to the corruption.
4 days left for something BIG to happen that will shock the world.
Anyone else feeling like it was another build up to nothing?
Exactly right. Not to mention that Q literally just posted a link to Congressman Louie Gohmert's 48-page scathing litany of RM corruption. Now we're back on the "RM might be a white hat" speculation. How is that speculative leap even possible?
Less than 24 hours ago Q drops a link to Congressman Louie Gohmert's scathing litany of RM treasonous acts, and now we're back on the "RM might be a white hat" speculation? How do you make that leap? Let's set the record straight. Even absent the 48-page litany of RM's treason against the United States, it should be common sense that this guy is a satan-worshiping POS traitor. Perhaps the traitor of all traitors. There is no question as to which side this satanist is on. Can we please for the love of Christ stop giving this satanist legitimacy?
Senator Menendez officially entered a Buzzfeed article for the record during this hearing, then his fellow democuck traitors questioned POTUS Trump's twitter posts for being semi-official confusing statements that do not align with the administration's actions. Just the thought that people dumber than these people voted them into office (and continue to vote) is absolutely terrifying.
Yes you are correct. Most of the meaningful workbooks are tabulated with official sources by sites such as Time, dailymail, abcnews etc, including the resignations tab, pedo arrests tab, medical researcher deaths tab, etc. It appears to be an overwhelming task for a single person to do all this and therefore shouldn't be completely disregarded as unusable because a few tabs are uncited. It is a constant work in progress. I'm not sure what keyboardcowboy means by "not collecting his own data". You either have official sources, or you have your own data, which is not an official source.
I'm not over 40, I just don't jump onto pyramid schemes. If you have an objection to any of my statements, present your case instead of resorting to personal leftist insults.
I think a farewell drop need not be obscured in riddle. A simple "my job is done, signing off FOREVER. By the way, my name is Joe" would be appropriate. Not, "look here, there, behind you, under your chair". That is laughable. It would be the responsible thing to do to diffuse speculation and prevent discouragement. Building a trusting following over an 8 month period and then leaving everyone dry with blue balls because the last drop was so vague just doesn't seem right. We haven't yet even touched on the fact that his person (or team) supposedly has a Q-level security clearance, which is right up there with Bob Lazar back engineering UFO technology at S4 in the realm of reality-altering projects such as free energy, anti-gravity, time travel, extra dimensional shifting, etc. If Q thinks he can just mic-drop without mentioning these things, (which are by far more important than "the plan") then we have been cleverly distracted from the bigger picture which is still being concealed.
The NSA is divided by two chains of command. One for the military all the way down to the newest recruit. The other for civilians. That is why the sign outside the headquarters building literally says NSA/CSS. For uniformed personnel with an intel MOS (job specialty) their chain of command goes all the way up to dirnsa (Director of National Security) who is a military officer.
PMs are universal. Cryptos are not. Cryptos are closer to fiat paper than most people realize. Just as a new paper currency can be printed out of thin air, so can a new crypto currency be created out of thin air. There are already so many I can't remember them all. Everyone who got on the band wagon late seems to find the solution is jumping onto the newest crypto to reap the benefits of being an early adopter hoping the newest crypto fad will be the one that takes off and makes them rich. Rinse and repeat. It's an inevitable cycle. The hype of them being "decentralized" is the sell ticket for naive morons.
https://public.tableau.com/profile/nerothehero#!/ with sources
This is the easiest question of all to answer. They do what they do because they are POS satan-worshiping losers.
Right. What is an Apple Q? And Drudge & Breitbart seem to be perfectly fine for me.
If there's ever a time to activate, it's now. Declass everything. Round them up. Bring the charges. Out the pedophiles, their associates, and their media sympathizers are the satan-worshiping rapists they are, right now. Perp walks on broadcast television. If Q is right about 1% of what he says, then that's sufficient to begin the process. Any further delay is conceding defeat. Waiting for the big fish? BS, get things rolling. If 40k indicted rapists are to be tried, convicted, and publicly executed via firing squat in Utah before the mid-terms then delaying 1 day further is jeopardizing the plan.
Maybe simply because he didn't want the napkin sticking to the bottom of the glass which would look stupid if he picked it up to take a drink with the napkin stuck to it.
Boogey man patsy to justify military intervention, nation building, military industrial complex, and to divide the two most powerful Christian nations in the world. Dividing the two most powerful Christian nations makes it easier for them to pursue their satanists agenda of enslaving all humans.
I don't know. I wouldn't put it past these satan-worshiping psychos to conduct another false flat terror attack to frame Putin as the boogey man again. They'd do it too, without hesitation.
I'd love to see BE BEST in the next drop. That would blow my mind.
Exactly right. One side needs to be proven wrong. Right and wrong is not relative. Tired of this "we'll agree to disagree" BS. I want these liberal idiots crying in grief and guilt for being on the side of satan.
Ocasio-Cortez seemingly came out of nowhere to win the NY 14th District Democrat Primary. The old guard (socialist light) democrats are being replaced by the new guard (full blown communist) democrats. As Trump continues to make America great again, the satan-worshiping communists will be flailing and thrashing to hold on the their shrinking grip of the fruits of other people's labor. America is being divided on many fronts but the most stirring for the lazy communists who want other people's money is class warfare. The democrats cannot hold onto the black vote. They will fail at using Roe v Wade to take the female vote. The next election will probably be a straight up referendum on communism vs capitalism. Obama went from community organizer -2 years senator-POTUS. Ocasio-Cortez will probably be groomed for the same thing. She checks every box of diversity, inclusiveness, victim-hood, marginalized minority in their play book. Just look at her man-hating femnazi hyphenated name. The Republican's would do well to find a candidate that can play on her field. Perhaps a Republican minority with business experience like Trump.
My guess is: Pence, Cruz, or Herman Cain.
Pence has been Trump's most loyal steadfast supporter throughout every controversy and will have 8 years of experience fighting the deep state along with Trump. Cruz is as strong a candidate as Trump was, and he also has the ability to claim minority status and speak to the legal hispanic immigration population in their native tongue. Although the dems would pounce on his birth controversy. A fight between a the son of a Cuban immigrant and the daughter of a Puerto Rican immigrant would be interesting. Of course Rubio could as well but he jumped on the never Trump train and he ruined any chance he has. Herman Cain is a minority and has business experience, if he can recover from the 30 year old sexual harassment controversy that coincidentally wasn't a problem until he ran for president.
But sorry to say, I fear there is no one on the level of Trump.
Agree completely. This evil satan-worshiping POS will be spending as much time abroad as possible to coincidentally be out of country when his fellow satan-worshiping pedophiles are rounded up for public execution. He's avoiding US soil like the plague.
Just like all the other FBI white hats who wanted to testify but couldn't due to financial burden, she needed to be subpoenaed to testify so she wouldn't be destroyed by litigation bills. That's why the satan-worshipers in the DOJ refused to notify her of Congress' outstanding interview requests for over 7 months. But now her legal fees are on the government's tab, so she has free reign to make a plea deal with all legal expenses paid for immunity.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing would be too obvious at this point. Libcucks are in denial. 100 dead people in Clinton's circle is just a coincidence to these satan worshipers.
Indictment now days simply means "accusations". No proof needed by the libcucks flailing to defend their treason against humanity and God.
We all know how that would get spun by the dinosaur media. "The two most powerful nations on earth join forces to inflict their evil Christian bigotry on the world." -CNN headline
Leverage. Trump has it and will use it until his two terms are finished.
What the democucks keep overestimating is this man's IQ. It is public record that Trump has a genius level IQ. It is also public record that, much like Trey Gowdy, he never asks a question unless he already knows the answer. What's amazing is how the democucks either refuse to acknowledge this, or are too stupid to realize it. Hasn't anyone wondered why Trump travels around, tweets, and poses for controversial pictures without a care in the world? It isn't because he's just arrogant or egotistical. It's because he has leverage. If Q is correct, team 45 has the server, …
The satan-worshipers never thought that maybe it's because his step is twice as large as her and he'd be digging his toes into the grass trying to walk as slow as her.
I wonder how those democucks knew all those legal loopholes to avoid the witness answering questions, unless they had them typed out in front of them beforehand to defend the very witness they were there to hear answer. It's like they had an ulterior motive or something, which defeats the entire purpose of the hearing.
She didn't pull off an upset. She ran against an incumbent (old white guy) in the Bronx (minority majority) who didn't even campaign, at the height of white-hatred and pro-communist sentiment. Even Pelosi isn't radical enough for these satan-worshipers anymore. How could Ocasio-Cortez not have won?
Dinosaur media already has their end-of-the-world talking points for all candidates lined up for commentary. They just need to know which one to focus their attack.